Li Juanshui has been shocked by such scenes for a long time. They are so fierce. Looking at the two of them, Li Juanshui doesn't know whether they should be glad that they didn't really fight him or angry that they are so powerful.

On the contrary, LAN Pengsheng came to Yu Feng's side with some worries: "Mengyao, isn't there any problem?"

"What you should worry about is that Nalan Qing." Originally, Yu Feng didn't care much about LAN Pengsheng, but only because he was worried about Ning Mengyao.

What else did LAN Liangsheng want to say? The carefree side looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "Mengyao's hand is not equal to Tianchang's, that is, I can only win with Yu Feng."

Although it's a bit humiliating, there's no way to be so humiliating. Who can let others have a good talent?

It's as if lanzhuosheng has heard something strange. He looks at them with strange eyes.

"Are you sure what you said is true?" LAN Liangsheng doesn't believe it at all. It's amazing that Ning Mengyao, who looks warm and soft, is so fierce.

"Of course, I taught Xiaoyao's martial arts, but I didn't expect that in the end, it was blue." Yu Feng said very stiffly.

When several people spoke, Qiao Tianchang had cleaned up the people almost, and nalanqing was also beaten by ningmengyao, which seemed to suddenly become the home court of their husband and wife.

Nalan Qing stood there in a state of embarrassment. There were many scars on her body, which were all sword wounds. However, the veil on Nalan Qing's face had fallen to one side at some time, revealing a face that was amazing at a glance.

"I'm very beautiful. Why can't I think about it?" Ning Mengyao looked at the opposite Nalan Qing and said curiously.

"Ning Mengyao seems that everyone looks down on you."

"Ha ha, didn't Nangong Yan tell you that my martial arts are very good?"

Nalan Qing's face changed. She even knew Nangong Yan was her man. What else do they know?

Nalan Qing can't think about that much now. She will let out a signal bomb there.

"It seems to Xiaoyao that they are more than these people."

"Well, it's just the right way to practice together." Ning Mengyao nodded.

But when she saw the first one, the expression on her face was a little more subtle.

Just now I said Nangong Yan. I saw people in a flash. Is this their fate or is this place too small.

"Nangongyan, I command you to kill ningmengyao." Nalan Qing looked at Nangong Yan coldly and said.

I don't believe it. Nangong Yan is not ningmengyao's opponent.

Ning Mengyao looks at the red Nangong Yan in the opposite eyes, and the people coming behind, and the corners of her mouth slightly hook up.

"It happens that Nangong Yan and I have enemies, so I'll give you my brother-in-law." Although Ning Mengyao 's words are very easy to say, people who know her know that she has been angry and is still on the verge of rioting.

At this time, ningmengyao is the most dangerous one. Yufeng's expression is slightly serious: "Xiaoyao, are you sure?"

"No, what did he do to Tianchang? Now I want to return it." She has been waiting for this day for a long time, which makes her forget the pain and sadness when she saw Qiao Tianchang as a rag doll.

Yufeng still wants to say something, but after seeing ningmengyao like that, all the words are speechless.

At that time, Xiaoyao's pain was only known by herself, and they only knew something from her mouth, but even the meaning of the words, they can clearly understand how painful Xiaoyao's pain was then to survive.

Although she hasn't said revenge or mentioned it all these years, she can understand how much she resents Nangong Yan from her actions.

"Be careful, Xiaoyao."

"Don't worry, brother-in-law. I'll be fine." She has children and her husband. How can she let herself be busy?