Just now, he did think it was sugar on purpose, but on second thought, it's not right. Even if sugar is to punish this woman, she won't put herself in. What's more, sugar is the most painful. How can you hurt yourself? And it's bleeding.

"I I didn't mean to. Why don't you believe me? " Zhao Xinxin is really angry. The dead girl is obviously on purpose. Otherwise, how could she not die be hit when she came here?

"Do you think our eyes are blind?"

"Zhao Xinxin, why are you so vicious? Even a child can poison you." Zhao Mingyu didn't expect that Zhao Xinxin could do such a thing.

"I said it wasn't me. She ran into it by herself. What does it have to do with me? What are you doing? You always misunderstood me." Zhao Xinxin cried and said, they are really too much, why do they treat themselves like this.

Zhao Xinxin's face is also very ugly. How could it become like this? It was fine before Mingming.

"All right." Qiao Tianchang suddenly opens his mouth and looks at Zhao Xinxin coldly.

He knew his daughter, so she would not do anything to hurt 800 and 1000 enemies.

"Uncle, I......"

"Let Mingyu see people off."

Qiao Tianchang's words made Zhao Xinxin's face turn pale, and his expression was also very ugly: "uncle, it's really not my fault, I didn't mean it."

However, Qiao Tianchang didn't want to listen to her any more, so he turned around and left and gave it to Qiao mofeng.

"Don't you believe me, master Joe?"

"I believe more in my sister."

Zhao Mingyu took a look at Zhao Xinxin. He didn't want to see this woman. He didn't even let go of children. Is this still a person?

"Uncle Dashan, take Zhao Xinxin away first. I'll go with Uncle Qiao." Zhao Mingyu said directly, but he didn't want Zhao Xinxin to stay. What's wrong with the province.

"It's the young master."

Dashan went to Zhao Xinxin's face and held out his hand and said, "Miss, please."

"You Zhao Mingyu, why do you treat me like this? "

"Uncle Dashan"

"miss is offended." As soon as Dashan was about to start, Zhao Xinxin turned around in a hurry. She would not have calculated it like this. Zhao Mingyu, who broke her business, would not have let it go.

After watching the team leave with Zhao Xinxin, Zhao Mingyu was in a better mood: "let's go and have a look at sugar."

When they used to, the sugar wound had been treated. The whole person was leaning on Ning Mengyao's arms, not in a high mood.

"What's the matter? Be careful next time. "

"Big brother, it hurts."

"I know it won't hurt after today, I promise." Sugar skin is particularly delicate. It can leave a trace at a time. Since then, they have brought a lot of such ointment around them, so as to prevent them from hurting themselves at any time.

"Well, big brother is the best."

"Oh, eldest brother is best, father and mother are not good?" Joe Tianchang raised his eyebrows and looked at sugar.

"Well, father and mother are all right."

See sugar and smile again, everyone just let go. Zhao Mingyu holds sugar and raises it over his head and throws it up. At the beginning, sugar is still a little afraid. Slowly, he thinks it's fun and giggles incessantly.

"I want to play, brother Zhao." Doudou stares at Zhao Mingyu, eager to play.

Joe Mo Feng reached out to pick up the beans and threw them away. The beans were satisfied.

Later on, because of the sugar injury, they never stopped, but quickly headed for their destination.

Five days later, he finally arrived at the place. Following Ning Mengyao, they found the restaurant. Zhao Mingyu was a little surprised: "at this time, it's very difficult to find a place for the restaurant in Fengcheng."

Qiao Mo Feng looked at Zhao Mingyu like an idiot: "this is my mother's restaurant."

"Oh, my aunt did. What? What did you just say? " Zhao Mingyu didn't respond. He was a bit silly.