"I'm not sure about the details. Mo Feng said that we should go over with me to see the result, so I want to leave in a few days." Although the Zhao family leader is very kind to him, he dare not be too close. Otherwise, some people in the family should have a mind. So in order to avoid the Zhao family leader's embarrassment, he will not stay for a long time every time he comes back.

"So? But it's also true. If you say that now, you can't really figure out what to do. If you need any help, please tell me. " Zhao said with a smile.

"OK, Dad, I know. By the way, Zhao Xinxin likes Mo Feng, but she has done too much. She even bullies a five-year-old. Don't listen to what she did. I can feel that uncle Qiao and aunt Qiao's identities are not simple." Thinking of Zhao Xinxin's mother, Zhao Mingyu frowned and said that he didn't want to let Zhao Jiazhu fall out with Qiao Tianchang.

Zhao's head nodded: "don't worry, I know."

Zhao Xinxin wanted to go to her mother and brother to help her for a while. Who knows that Zhao Mingyu even said bad things about him like this.

"Zhao Mingyu, shut up for me."

"Don't shut up, Mingyu is you. You think I don't know anything? When you come back, Dashan will tell me everything. Zhao Xinxin, if you want to go back there, I will send you there at once. " Said the head of the Zhao family angrily.

At this time, she is still lying. If she is a good child, a good girl, it's nothing to help protect the media. But for a person like Zhao Xinxin, he really wants to do something like that. At that time, even his son's friends will be lost. He knows what's right and what's wrong.

"Dad, how can you do this to me? I hate you. " Zhao Xinxin covered his face and ran away crying.

Zhao's face is very ugly. He suddenly feels embarrassed to have such a daughter. It seems that it's a wrong decision to promise his wife to let her come back.

"It's time for parents and daughters to keep going." Zhao Mingyu said disgustedly.

"I know. You don't live at home, do you?"

"Well, I'll go with Mo Feng. By the way, this is the dagger uncle Qiao gave me, but I already have one. Dad, please give this dagger to brother for me." Zhao Mingyu said that big brother, with a smile on his face.

That's Zhao Xinxin's first brother, but he was raised by Zhao's head since childhood. He is very kind and nice to him. Every time he goes out, he will bring him something back. This time, he also has something good to send him.

When it comes to his eldest son, Zhao Mingxiang, the head of the Zhao family is very happy, especially the relationship between the two sons is very good. Whenever the eldest son is busy, Zhao Mingyu will go to help him. When the work is finished, he goes straight away. Zhao Mingxiang is helpless every time.

"I'll give it to you later."

"What can I have for you?" At this time, a man in a light blue brocade came in, with a gentle smile on his face, and saw Zhao Mingyu walking a few steps faster: "Xiaoyu is back?"

"Well, brother, this is a dagger from my friend's father. I'll give it to you." Zhao Mingyu hands the dagger to Zhao Mingxiang.

Zhao Mingxiang opened it and immediately fell in love with it. He looked at Zhao Mingyu and asked, "Xiaoyu is really for me? This dagger is very good. "

"Of course, elder brother didn't give me less good things. I still have one here. My friend gave it to me." Zhao Mingyu took out his dagger.

"Oh, there's a better one. I can't see this, so I'll give this dagger to you." Looking at the dagger in Zhao Mingyu's hand, we can see that it is very good, much better than the dagger in his hand.

"I don't have it, elder brother. Why don't I give you this?" Zhao Mingyu said that it was a gift from his good friend.

"Well, look at you like that, don't pretend to be generous, but where did you get this dagger? So good. "

"Oh, this is from a friend I met back this time."

"That's a good dagger that he gave away? What a black sheep. " Zhao Mingxiang's teasing.