Zhao Mingxiang frowned slightly, his eyes were obviously unhappy: "what has she done?"

"That elder sister is bad. She scolds Tangtang, grabs his brother's Xiaobai and bullies Tangtang." When it comes to Zhao Xinxin, Tangtang opens his mouth, with obvious grievances on his face. He is obviously very dissatisfied with Zhao Xinxin.

"What's the matter with Xiaoyu?" Zhao Mingxiang frowned, how to come back and make these things.

Zhao Mingyu told Zhao Mingxiang what happened on the road. The more Zhao Mingxiang listened to the frown, the tighter his brow was. At last, his face was blue.

"I'm really sorry about Uncle Qiao."

"It's over. It's OK." Qiao Tianchang said casually.

Although Qiao Tianchang doesn't care about it, Zhao Mingxiang can't care about it. His sister has become like this now. How can he be happy?

"Xiaoyu, you are here. I'll go back first. This matter must be dealt with well." According to the character of his sister, she won't get any benefits from Zhao Mingyu. She will definitely go to the girl who doesn't know how to adjust. If it is something else, he doesn't mind helping, but it's the only thing that doesn't work.

"Elder brother, please go back later."

"No, this matter must be handled well. She thought that everyone must be around her, and she really regarded herself as a big lady." Zhao Xinxin doesn't mind taking good care of his sister if he is a little bit clever and sensible, but she really disappoints him.

Zhao Mingxiang stood up and saluted Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife: "Uncle Qiao is really sorry, I have to go back first."

"You don't have to." Ning Mengyao helplessly looks at Zhao Mingxiang. She can see that Zhao Mingxiang is serious, not joking.

Zhao Mingxiang shook his head firmly: "my aunt, Zhao Xinxin, is my sister. I know what kind of person she and my mother are. If this matter is not handled well, they may use some dirty means."

Thinking of his sister, Zhao Mingxiang's eyes are full of disgust.

Zhao Mingxiang finally left. Ning Mengyao looked at Zhao Mingyu strangely: "since it's my sister, how can I not protect her? It's so strict. "

"My eldest brother grew up with my father. He was dissatisfied with my mother and sister's many practices. If it wasn't for his mother and sister, he would have started." Zhao Mingyu curled his mouth and explained to Ning Mengyao.

"Your father made a very wise decision." Said Jo Tianchang suddenly.

In a short period of contact, Qiao Tianchang knew that this was a very good child, and his heart was also good. If he grew up with his mother, he didn't know what he would look like.

"My heart is your daughter. How can you do this to her? What Qiao Mo Feng does she like? It's his creation. Even if you don't help her, it's still like that. " Zhao Mingxiang heard his mother's natural words as soon as he entered the door, and his eyebrows wrinkled.

Zhao Mingxiang went in with a gloomy face. Seeing Zhao Xinxin's proud appearance, the expression on his face became more ugly.

"Zhao Xinxin, are you good at this?"

"What do you mean, brother?" Zhao is discontented. She is waiting for her mother to help her persuade her father to help. Who knows that her elder brother actually said that to her? It's too much.

"What do you mean? After scolding someone's younger brother and sister for being wild and injuring them, you still have the face to say such things here. " Zhao Mingxiang looked at Zhao Xinxin coldly and said in a cold voice: "and Niang, isn't the lesson of that incident enough? It's because of your connivance that you are allowed to protect this girl like this, she will be unscrupulous. "

Zhao Xinxin's face turned white and said stubbornly, "I'm not wrong. I said it was the child's intention."

"She did it on purpose? Are you talking about a five-year-old calculating you? "

"That's what it is." Zhao Xinxin didn't think anything was wrong. Instead, he thought it was just like this.

Zhao Mingxiang looks at Zhao Xinxin like this. He doesn't know what words to use to describe it. Two years without her, it's really getting worse.