Looking at Zhao Xinxin's appearance, the coldness in Zhao's eyes is more obvious.

"Just like it? But have you ever asked people like you? I offended all the family members. Now I'm here to like it. " The head of Zhao's family took a look at Zhao's heart and said lightly. What he said was just the truth.

Zhao Xinxin's face suddenly turned pale. Her father even treated her like this, even in front of so many people, so belittled her. How can she stand at home in the future?

"Dad, how can you say that to me?"

"Am I wrong? If people like you and are willing to accept you, those children won't do anything to you. But no, you say that people's children are aimed at you, but why is she aimed at you? Do I need to say more about it? " Since what happened last time, he has lost all patience with Zhao Xinxin's daughter.

Just because of a man, she was able to brutalize an innocent girl to death, when she was less than 13 years old.

When they found someone, Zhao Xinxin was looking at the little girl who was insulted by several men with a ferocious smile. In such a scene, even when he saw the blood vessel bursting with anger, she even looked with interest, even excited. In that way, Zhao's head would never forget that he had such a cruel daughter, which he could not afford.

"Dad, I......"

"Enough, Zhao Xinxin, what are the conditions for me to let you come back? Go back and ask your mother. If you dare to give birth to any moths again, don't blame me for not reading my father and daughter's love." Zhao's head looked at Zhao Xinxin's words and said that what he said was that Zhao Xinxin was so scared.

"Mom, what does Dad want?" Zhao Xinxin turned to look at Mrs. Zhao and asked eagerly.

Mrs. Zhao looked at her daughter with an obvious color of embarrassment on her face. What would she say?

"Nothing. Your father is scaring you. You are his only daughter. How could he give up?" Mrs. Zhao forced out a smile and said with embarrassment.

If it had been before, Zhao Xinxin would have believed Mrs. Zhao's words, but now, the expression on Zhao's face is not good at all, not only the expression is bad, but also the eyes are full of cold.

"What's the matter with mother?"

"Don't ask if you want to." Mrs. Zhao didn't want to tell her daughter. She was afraid that her daughter would not accept it.

Zhao's eyes gradually turned cold. In front of him, she was able to act like this. It can be seen that in normal times, she did such things.

"Don't want to tell her, do you? That's right. The rest of the family doesn't want her back. Let's just let her go. " Zhao said lightly, as if he was speaking to himself.

"No, how can a place like that be the master? Why are you so cruel? She is your daughter. " Mrs. Zhao turned pale.

She was very clear that she threatened the head of Zhao's family with such a thing and let him let Zhao's heart go back, and she came back just to get married. Besides, the other side was not an outstanding person, but a humble commoner.

She didn't dare to think about what her daughter would look like if she knew the news.

"If I knew she was like this now, I would rather strangle people when she was born." Zhao's master looked at Mrs. Zhao coldly and said angrily.

Mrs. Zhao's face suddenly turned pale. He even said such things. He even said that he would strangle his daughter.

Zhao Xinxin stared at her father. She thought that her father had forgiven her, so she would let her come back. She thought that she was still the eldest miss of Zhao family, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

"Niang you tell me, why does my father agree to let me come back? What are the conditions for him to let me come back?" Zhao Xinxin looked at Mrs. Zhao's calm expression and asked.

Mrs. Zhao didn't want to say, but when she saw her daughter like this, she could only say: "let you come back and marry."