Sugar sugar leaned on Qiao Mo Feng's arms and looked at them blankly, wondering in his eyes, "what are you talking about, big brother?"

"It's OK. Sugar and sugar don't need to know. There are big brother and Shanger." Joe Mo Feng dotes on rubbing the head of sugar sugar and says with a smile.

Sugary nodded, she really didn't understand this.

Zhao Mingxiang looks at Qiao mofeng like this. He is speechless for a moment. This guy is so cunning.

When several people went back, Qiao Tianchang and his wife did come back, but there was still a person standing in front of them, that person was Zhao Xinxin.

I don't know where Zhao Xinxin got the news. Unexpectedly, Qiao mofeng knew that they lived here. After leaving Zhao's yard, she ran over.

When she came, she didn't find anyone. At first, she thought it was the shopkeeper who was cheating her. She didn't believe it until she saw Qiao Tianchang and his wife came back from outside.

"Uncle and aunt."

Qiao Tianchang looked at Zhao Xinxin with cold eyes and frowned: "let's go to have a rest, Yao Yao."


Zhao Xinxin looked at them and ignored her directly. The expression on their faces was very ugly.

"What happened before my uncle and aunt was that I was wrong. I shouldn't have run into sugar without seeing it go back." Zhao Xinxin followed them and said wrongly.

Ning Mengyao turns around and looks at Zhao Xinxin with a smile. Isn't that her saying that all this is the fault of sugar?

"So it's still sugar, isn't it? Sugar shouldn't play next to you, shouldn't you back off? " Ning Mengyao looked at Zhao Xinxin coldly and said calmly.

Zhao Xinxin's face turned white, and he began awkwardly: "Auntie, I didn't mean that.

"No such meaning? Then tell me what do you mean? " Ning Mengyao looks at Zhao Xinxin with her hands around her chest.

"I I... Aunt, I really like Jomo Feng. " Zhao Xinxin looked at Ning Mengyao and said eagerly.


"Aunt, I know you don't like me, but I apologize. Can't you give me a chance?" Zhao Xinxin really can't stand it. If she continues like this, she will marry Muyi, which is not what she wants to see.

Ningmengyao was directly laughed by Zhao Xinxin's self righteous, and looked at Zhao Xinxin. The corner of her mouth was a mocking smile: "you might as well say that I'll tear you up."

"I don't mean that." Zhao Xinxin is eager to set her hands. She really doesn't mean that.

"Did you hear what feng'er said just now? They say I broke you up. " Ningmengyao ignores Zhao Xinxin, but looks at Qiao mofeng with a gloomy face behind her.

Hearing Ning Mengyao's words, Zhao Xinxin's face turned pale. Without turning her head, she could also guess that Qiao mofeng was standing not far behind her, and also heard all the words she said just now.

Zhao turned his head with a stiff heart. When he saw Qiao mofeng's gloomy face, he suddenly regretted it.

She thought that when she said it in front of so many people, Ning Mengyao and his wife would not do anything to her because of their faces. But now it seems that it is not the case at all. They don't care about their faces at all.

"Niang she estimated that she forgot to take medicine when she went out. Such a person would only see me if I was blind." Qiao mofeng did not see Zhao Xinxin, went to Ning Mengyao's side and whispered.

Ningmengyao didn't speak but nodded, but Zhao Xinxin's face turned pale for a moment, why? How can he treat himself like this?

"Joe mofeng, you are too much."

"Am I too much? At least I didn't embarrass your parents in public. " Qiao Mo Feng looked at Zhao Xinxin ironically and said in a cold voice.

When Zhao Mingxiang heard Zhao Xinxin's words, he could not help but slap him to death. The provincial people are disgraced here.

"Zhao Xinxin, it seems that you have forgotten what Dad said." Zhao Mingxiang went over and said with a gloomy face.

As soon as she saw Zhao Mingxiang, Zhao Xinxin seemed to see the straw to save her life. She hurriedly walked over and looked at him wrongly: "brother, please help me, I beg you."

"Needless to say." Zhao Mingxiang looked at Zhao Xinxin coldly and said in a cold voice.

Zhao Xinxin's face turned white. Brother, would you not help him?

"Uncle Qiao, I'm so sorry that my aunt has caused you trouble."