The price of 30 million yuan is not a small amount for many people on the scene. Even in many large families, if they have to take out tens of millions to buy several fruits, they will feel sad. Although the fruit has a good effect, it is not tens of thousands of Liang, nor millions, but tens of millions.

Before, there were people who sold biyingguo, but each one cost five million yuan. Now they have doubled the price directly. How can they buy things? It's just making trouble.

But all people, who can say that they are other people's accomplices who deliberately want to raise the price? They only bought a piece of jade pendant and a blood ginseng for one million yuan. It can be seen that they are really good at money. In this case, what can they do if they call for a higher price? People who have money are willful.

Nalan's long face changed in an instant, and his turbid eyes became fierce in an instant. It took them a lot of time to find these fruits, but now they have been robbed like this. How can they be reconciled?

"Elder, we can't just let it go." Said the young man in a grim voice.

"If they have money to buy, they must have money to spend. Let people see who is against our Nalan family."

"Yes, even if you rob, you have to grab something. It's about..." The young man's voice gradually disappeared, but his expression seemed to be determined by what he wanted.

Ningmengyao is playing with the three fruits in her hand, with a playful smile on her lips: "Tianchang Nalan's family must hate to kill us now, right?"

"What? Are you afraid? "

Qiao Tianchang's eyes are white. Is this guy really good at teasing people like this?

"I'm not afraid, but there are two small ones." Ningmengyao's helpless look at Tangtang and Doudou. Without them, it's not impossible for them to start, but they are a little tied up now.

"Mother, I'll tell you one thing." Said Jomo Shang suddenly.

"Tell me." Ningmengyao will not think about Nalan's family, there will always be a solution.

"Sugar has a lot of drugs on it, and it's poison. It's not a powder for pranks, it's very poisonous." Jomo Shang's eyes are on Tangtang. Tangtang looks back a few steps. Especially when hearing his words, his face looks good.

Sugar and sugar wring their hands, the eyes secretly went to see Ning Mengyao. When he saw that Ning Mengyao's eyebrows were frowning and he didn't speak, the whole person was scared.

"Mother..." The small appearance of Tangtang made Qiao Tianchang feel a little sad, but these things should also be told to her. A child of several years old is carrying some highly toxic things on his body, which makes people uneasy anyway.

"Sugar do you like this?" After thinking for a long time, Ning Mengyao looked at sugar and asked earnestly.

Sugar quickly nodded: "like it, like it."

Ningmengyao helplessly looks at her daughter, feeling very headache, how both like this.

There are Qingshuang and Nanyu nearby. Now there is Qiao mofeng. Here comes another small one.

Sugar secretly took a look at her mother and poked her hands.

"Mom, can I also learn poison making and medical skills from Aunt Qingshuang, as well as Nanyu uncle and strange grandfather Raising poison? " Sugar sugar said this when the bottom gas is not a bit.

I haven't heard Ning Mengyao's answer all the time. Tangtang thinks that he can't succeed. His head is drooping and he looks pitiful.

"Tianchang, did I hear you wrong?" It's because I heard it wrong that there was a phantom hearing in my ear. My daughter even liked those insects and wanted to raise them?

She remembered when the girl had really touched the insect, how she suddenly fell in love with it.

Qiao Tianchang was also surprised by his daughter's words. He thought that her daughter would prefer lightness skills or sword techniques, but he never thought that her daughter would be interested in insects.

"I think we should have a good discussion about Yao Yao." Qiao Tianchang frowned.

They can't really let her touch these things because of her momentary interest.