It's a little sour and sweet. It's delicious. But soon, Ning Mengyao felt very sad because she felt that her whole body was hurting, as if her bones had been pinched one by one.

Not only Ning Mengyao, but also Qiao Tianchang and his son.

When the three were in pain and happy, the elder of Nalan's family looked at the middle-aged man above: "the head of the family didn't get anything this time."

"Well?" Sitting on the throne, Nalan CI looked at them coldly: "what's the matter?"

"A couple came out halfway, and they also took part in the auction. As long as they wanted to buy things completely, they could take down 20 million things, and they raised the price to 30 million." The elder said cautiously.

Although the head of the family seems to be very decent and attractive, only those who really know him know how cruel he is.

This time they didn't do it well and will be punished.

"What kind of people are they?"

The elder described the appearance of the two people, which made Nalan CI think of the two people.

"I didn't expect that after looking for such a long time, people finally came to the bottom of their eyelids." Nalan laughed sarcastically.

"What do you mean, master?"

"I'm afraid the two are Xiaoyao villa leader and villa leader's wife." Nalan said with a frown, it's really disliked to have such an opponent.

The elder was completely stunned: "can't this? Our people don't say... "

"Not what? Up to now, we haven't found a way to enter the Xiaoyao villa, which is enough to show the strength of the Xiaoyao villa. It's only a few years ago. If we give them another period of time, they will be allowed to walk on the west coast. Don't forget the tongbaozhai of that continent. " It is enough to show the ability and means of Xiaoyao villa that a business group can reach the peak of the mainland in just six or seven years, or even quietly control the economic lifeline of the whole mainland.

When it comes to tongbaozhai, the elders will stop talking, and they will no longer worry about their spending money to buy a lot of things.

The elder has been following Nalan's words. He knows what tongbaozhai and Xiaoyao villa represent.

These two places represent money. Tongbaozhai is not bad for money. As long as it's for making money, Xiaoyao villa has only one nishang Pavilion outside, but nishang Pavilion is just a treasure pot.

According to the situation of tongbaozhai, the strength of Xiaoyao villa is far from what they see now.

"What do you mean, my lord?"

"We'll see them with great gifts." Nalandi smiled, with a clear playfulness in his smile, but it was a little chilly on his too cold face, as if he had been calculated.

The elder didn't understand the meaning of Nalan Ci, but he went to prepare it.

The next morning, Nalan CI took people to shiquanju, but was told by the shopkeeper that they were not there, but Nalan's spy didn't see anyone go out, which is the only possibility, that is, they ate biyingguo.

"What should the owner do now?"

"Are the shopkeepers really absent?" Nalan said coldly, squinting at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper didn't mean to be afraid at all. He just smiled at nalangui and had a very good attitude.

"Don't you believe it? We all know the rules of my perfect house. The news of the guests is a secret. If everyone wants to live here, if anyone comes here and we sell them, how about our reputation? "

The elder wanted to be angry, but was stopped by Nalan's words: "we are in urgent need of them."

The shopkeeper smiled: "here is something that I want them to prepare. He said let me give it to the person who came to find them."