Qiao Mo Shang's small face with obvious self mockery, looking at Ning Mengyao's dazed appearance, couldn't help laughing, his mother ah, how so cute?

"Niang, it's because of my ability. You must be curious about what I know about the future?" Jomo Shang looked at them and said with ease.


"That's because I'm also a prophet, and the spiritual family is the family of prophets, but not like them. The stronger the ability, the shorter the life. The prophets who come out of the spiritual family, unless they spy on the heavenly mechanism, and then disclose the heavenly mechanism, will pay for their lives. Other prophets actually have a long life." Jomo Shang looked at their wry smile and said.

"No, since it's the family of prophets, why are they afraid of you? Isn't your family all the same? " Ning Mengyao is suddenly surprised. Since they are the family of the prophet, their family members should not be afraid of him. Why

"Well, this is because I couldn't meet people."

"Can't meet people?"

"Yes, I used to know what the other side was thinking when I met someone." Jomo smiled bitterly.

Their ability was discovered when he was eight years old. After knowing this, those people looked at him like monsters, especially they didn't dare to touch him again.

However, his younger brother was born the next year. He was a very lovely child. He liked it very much, but those people didn't let him near his younger brother. On the contrary, when his younger brother grew up, they told him that he was a monster and he was not allowed to approach him.

Because his father knew that he would be the culprit of destroying their family, so he designed to kill him, but they probably didn't think that they not only didn't die, but also survived in this way.

Qiao Tianchang's face sank immediately. How could there be such a father and mother under the sky? It's just amazing.

They don't want such a wonderful son? What's wrong with their brains?

"Mom and Dad Do you think I'm a monster? "

Ningmengyao's ungrateful fingers fell on Qiao moshang's head: "nonsense. Parents who really love their children will not do this kind of crazy things."

Yes, in ningmengyao 's understanding, such parents are simply insane.

Qiao moshang couldn't help laughing. In the eyes of those people, it's natural that they would do so. But in the eyes of Ning Mengyao, they became insane. Is that the fundamental difference?

Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Qiao moshang dangerously: "do you think we will be like them when you alienate us?"

Jomo Shang is stupid at once. Why did he suddenly talk about this problem?

"Then what..."

"What is that? I'll tell you that if you don't make it clear today, we won't finish it. " Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao Mo Shang, but the smile is like a knife stabbing at him.

Qiao moshang looks at Qiao Tianchang, who turns his head directly and even compares them with that kind of scum. What's this?

Jomo Shang lowered his head and said, "I do think so, because I think all parents are like this, but your kindness to me makes me feel different."

Ningmengyao's eye knife is flying towards him, and his expression is even more ugly. It seems that this boy is really looking for a beating, and dare to think of them as such.

"What's the matter with you today?" Ningmengyao suddenly thought of this question and asked with a frown.

"I feel that the Lingjia people should also come." Said Jomo mourning.

Compared with Ning Mengyao, the couple are not worthy of being parents. Maybe they just treat him like this, not his brother.

"Lingjia, do you see people?"
