As soon as Shisong gets to the challenge arena, he comes to find Qiao moshang. He looks at Qiao moshang suspiciously. How can he feel that he hasn't seen him this day? He seems to have changed a person?

"Mo Shang, did you go back yesterday and be cleaned up by your uncle?" Asked Shisong with some uncertainty.

He had such experience. When his mother was still there, he made his mother angry and was severely cleaned up by his father. He still remembers that fight. It's so fresh that he still remembers it.

"No, why do you say that?" Qiao moshang asked strangely. He had never been beaten since he was a child. Even if he made Qiao Tianchang angry, he didn't do it.

Even if it was yesterday, he could not move him because his mother hurt him.

He knew that after they went back to the tavern yesterday, when they were in the study, Qiao Tianchang really wanted to do something to him, but he finally resisted and did nothing.

"Because I used to make my mother angry, I was beaten by my father. Yesterday, I felt that my aunt was very sad, and I thought about whether you would be beaten when you went home." Shisong said straightforwardly, just that, it's really not flat, what is to think of being beaten? Is that how he wants to see himself beaten?

"You asked for it."

"Do you think I didn't beat you yesterday, so you are very proud." Qiao Tianchang suddenly said in a gloomy voice.

Jomo Shang took a look at him, then turned around: "Niang, you look at my father, so big a person, and bully me a little child."

“……” This is Qiao Tianchang.

“……” Ning Mengyao is not only speechless, but also scared. Is this her cool son? Is she right?

Shisong even made a very classic action, reaching directly to touch Qiao moshang's forehead.

"What are you doing?" Reach out to the hand on the forehead to pull down, Qiao Mo Shang gnash teeth of ask a way.

"Nothing, just to see if you have a fever." Shisong said solemnly.

"You have a fever."

After saying this, Qiao moshang's body suddenly became very stiff, and his face turned pale for a moment. Qiao Tianchang saw him like this, reached out to take him into his arms and touched his forehead: "what's the matter? What's wrong? "

"They are."

Qiao Tianchang squinted around, saw several people in white in a corner, and the momentum burst out in a flash. She rushed to the place. Ning Mengyao saw that her son had an accident, just like Qiao Tianchang, and at the same time, she shot.

Powerful pressure, let before to Qiao Mo Shang hand person, a blood spurt out.

The other side reached out to cover his chest, a little pale face: "encountered a master."

"Have you found anyone?"

"No, it's our mistake." The injured man shook his head.

"How can this happen? It must be here, isn't it? Isn't that child? "

"What is the character of the coffin you don't know? If it is true that he is in his twenties, how old is the child? Even if he is really like that, according to his character, will he be willing to be held in his arms by a man? Or do you think he can stand it like a child? " The other side of the white people around the same, no good gas said.

"You're right, too. We may have made a mistake." The man was silent for a long time, then said.

While the two men were talking, a cold voice came over: "don't blame me for being rude to you, if you don't do it to my son without permission."

The two people who heard the voice spit blood at the same time, but they were injured like this through the voice. How bad was that person?

"Who is that? How can it be so powerful? "

"No matter who it is, we can't provoke it." This kind of skill, only their ancestors can compete with one of them. They are not rivals at all. Maybe there is another person, dark is the coffin. After all, the coffin eight years ago was so powerful.

"Maybe you are right. We just asked about it and pretended that we didn't know anything."