Ning Mengyao looked at the loyal Qiao Mo Shang, couldn't help laughing, reached out and rubbed his head: "you are my son, I don't believe you, who can I believe?"

Her son, of course, she believed unconditionally.

Qiao Tianchang didn't talk, just looked at the warmth between the mother and the son. Sugar and beans were also clever and didn't talk.

"Mom, where do you think brother and Zhao Mingyu are now? Are you happy to play? " Jomo Shangs very entangled said.

He also wants to go. Alas, it's impossible to look at his small body.

"Well, you don't have to envy your big brother. If you are a little older, we will let you go out by yourself."

"What do you say?"

"Don't believe it? Then forget it. " Qiao Tianchang interrupts at the same time.

"I'm just asking. Dad, are you so serious?" Jomo Shang said angrily.

Qiao Tianchang squints at Qiao Mo Shang and says, "don't talk to idiots."

Is this still his son? It's so stupid. It's hopeless, isn't it?

"Niang, do you think he is such a father? How can I swear like this. " Qiao moshang turns to Ning Mengyao and accuses Qiao Tianchang of his crime.

Qiao Tianchang's brow is full of blue tendons, and the expression on his face is also very ugly. Is this guy intentional? It's a real chance to start suing.

"In fact, I also think you listen to idiots. According to the truth, your psychological age is 23 years old. How can you say such a thing?" Ningmengyao looked up and down at Qiao moshang, and his eyes were full of mystery.

Qiao Mo Shang was inexplicably choked for a while: "I don't want to know too much, I can only have no distractions. To be honest, I seldom go to the street. I once went there secretly, but in the end I saw a lot of things I shouldn't have seen."

Thinking of that experience, Jomo was a little chilly.

He didn't take anyone out to play secretly. When he was nine years old, he met a lot of people. Some people killed people, some people lived very miserable lives, some people belonged to the kind of people with very vicious hearts.

At that time, all kinds of negative emotions were conveyed to his heart, which almost broke him down. At last, he didn't want to go out again.

Ning Mengyao and his wife frown: "is it so serious?"

"Well, at that time, as long as I met people, no matter where I met them, I would 'see' all the experiences of the other party. After I nearly broke down twice, I didn't want to go out any more. I just did what I liked at home. Maybe it was because of this, I lost the chance to know people and human nature." Said Jomo sadly.

"What happened to Shanger's lingfu today?"

"Who knows if there's something wrong with his brain." When it comes to lingfu, Qiao moshang's heart is full of anger, his eyes are very gloomy, obviously he was still a little worried about his previous challenge competition.

He knew that lingfu was testing him, but he followed a lot of people to practice martial arts since he was a child, that is, Qiao Tianchang, Ning Mengyao and Yufeng had a lot of martial arts and fist techniques they knew. After that, fengxiao would also give directions from time to time, and those behaviors and habits had long been gone.

To fight with a group of experienced people, even if you have any more problems, all of them have been corrected after a long time, because not changing means death, and he did not want to die again after experiencing one life and death, especially now he still has such a group of family, which he can't let go.

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Qiao Mo Shang and says in a deep voice, "maybe he has been looking for you all the time, or he really likes you and thinks you are his brother."

Qiao moshang's body was stiff, then he laughed happily: "no matter what he thought, it doesn't matter. Now I have my own brother, brother and sister. It's enough for me, really."