The head of the Xiao family and nalanqing subconsciously turn their heads and pull them. They see some people of the Xiao family look at their family with very fierce eyes, especially Xiao Luoyan. The murderous air in their eyes is undisguised.

They saw it, and so did the people on the side.

"This is the weasel for hundreds of years. Isn't it kind?"


Everyone, I'll make Xiao and Nalan have no face.

"We didn't mean that. You misunderstood me." The head of the Xiao family said dryly with a smile on his face.

"Misunderstood? Are we wrong? " Ning Mengyao blinked and asked blankly.

The head of the Xiao family took a deep breath, looked at them and said with a smile, "since you two don't want to go to the Xiao family, how about I set up a banquet in the restaurant where you live tonight to make amends for them?"

"Good." Ning Mengyao promised very quickly.

Take it as soon as you see it. Ning Mengyao knows exactly what it means. If you continue to embarrass the Xiao family, it will become their fault. So it's better to go down the platform than climb up the pole.

"In that case, I'll wait for you in the evening." After that, he took nalanqing away, went to the challenge arena again, explained for a while, and said that it's not good to use poison. If such a thing is found, the Xiao family should be punished severely.

The farce passed quickly, as if it had never happened.

The competition continues, but Nalan Qing has a bad feeling in her heart. She feels that something has been ignored by herself.

"Tianchang, when do you say this woman will think of us?" Ning Mengyao asked in a voice only two people could hear.

"Almost." Qiao Tian opens his mouth to come back even if he doesn't want to.

From Nalan Qing's expression and eyes, we can see that she has some doubts. As long as she comes back, she will surely know who they are. But then it will be that time.

However, Qiao Tianchang thinks highly of nalanqing, because the challenge is over, and nalanqing has not found out yet.

"You're right, but no matter when she thinks about it, it doesn't seem to have much to do with us." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Jomo Shang looked at the two people and said something they didn't understand very well. He couldn't help turning a big white eye. The expression on his face was so weird.

Shisong looked at this, and looked at the curious one. "What are they talking about, uncle and aunt?"

"What are you asking for?"

"Just curiosity."

"Curiosity Kills cats. If you don't want to be curious about something, don't be curious. It's good for you. You'll know later." Jomo Shang said very mature.

This strange feeling of being taught by children came again, murmured Shisong.

After noon, Ning Mengyao and his wife went back with several children, but on the way, Shi Song met his former companion. One of them looked at Shi Song with envious eyes, which was to envy him that he could get such a chance.

"Let's go, Shisong."


Seeing that Shisong is going to leave from him, the man said jealously, "Shisong, you are so lucky that you can be someone else's attendant."

Shisong looked at each other calmly and said angrily: "it's nothing to do with you whether I'm a valet or not. Even if I'm a valet of Mo Shang, what's the matter? What does it have to do with you? What's the matter with me? "

The man obviously didn't expect that Shisong would say such a thing. The whole person was stupid and looked at Shisong stupidly.

"Some people, who are so shameless and steal other people's things, still come here to satirize others rightfully and honestly. It's also Shisong's honesty. It's me instead. I'm sure that I'll crush all those who dare to bully me." Qiao Mo Shang looked at his hand and said faintly that he was satisfied when he saw the pale face of the other side.

Shisong looked at each other and said, "we have nothing to do with it. I hope you don't come to trouble me again."


"I can't imagine you are such a person, Shisong." A delicate voice suddenly sounded behind them.