Such atmosphere lets Xiao Teng cannot help but say: "what do you want to eat, I give you clip."

"They have no hands? You are at least the young master of the Xiao family. If you serve people like this, you are indeed a servant. " Xiao Luoyan looked at Xiao Teng and said very disagreeably.

Xiao Teng has been blocked by Xiao Luoyan. They are here to apologize, OK? Although he wanted to let the Xiao family finish playing, it had to disappear in his own hands, not rely on others.

Both Qiao Tianchang and Qiao Tianchang didn't speak, just looked at the table next door with a smirk. Xiao Teng's approach is undoubtedly right. Taking care of the two small ones can also draw closer to each other's relationship. If Qiao moshang says something that's not very pleasant or refuses, it becomes a fault here. It's terrible. There's a Xiao Luoyan here.

Xiao Luoyan's words are very disliked, even disgusted. Look at the faces of the Xiao family leader and others. They are going to eat people.

"Well, the eldest young master of the Xiao family is really small. Such words can be said." Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Luoyan and says with a smile.

The Xiao family leader and the others are very embarrassed. If they can't leave now, they will all leave directly.

"Yan'er, shut up for me."

Xiao Luoyan is not convinced, but he is honest after being stared by Nalan Qing.

Such embarrassment was quietly resolved after the leader of the Xiao family said about the challenge arena.

"What do you want to say, Lord Xiao?"

"I'd like to say that I hope you can join us."


The head of the Xiao family looked at the two people who did not dare to be interested at all. He was cruel and told them the story.

"You mean that you found a cemetery, so you held this challenge competition?" Ningmengyao asked, pretending to be confused.

"You're right."

Ning Mengyao looked at them. When she was about to speak, Qiao Tianchang said, "who are you now? Are you kidding us, Lord Xiao? "

Generally, there are many mechanisms in large mausoleums. If only those people go, they will die. They will not do such stupid things.

"Here It's not like that. " Both of them have good martial arts. He knows that if he doesn't make it clear today, he may not be able to do so. If he wants two people with strength and ability to join, he can only let them know how many cards they have.

"So the challenge arena is just a cover. The people you choose will only be stepping stones, right?" Saying that they are stepping stones really belittles them. They are not as good as stepping stones at all, but just cannon fodder.

The people of the Xiao family were embarrassed. Unexpectedly, Ning Mengyao said it so directly, and the expression on her face was suddenly a little subtle.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing: "can't I still say that?"

"It's not like that, Mrs. Joe. You misunderstood." The head of the Xiao family was very embarrassed.

"Oh It was our misunderstanding. "

Shisong listens to the voice over there, and leans to Jomo Shang's ear and whispers, "what do you mean by their words, aunt Mo Shang?"

"You'll see in a minute."

The Xiao family is really shameless. They want the innocent people to explore their way. The poor people are still laughing. They think it's a great thing.

"Oh." See Qiao moshang say so, stone pine also don't ask what, just concentrate on to two small clip their favorite dish, peel off the skin and pick the bone, do is very easy.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang's husband and wife, Xiao said with a smile, "I don't know what they want to do."

"It seems interesting to hear that. We really want to go, but what about our children?"

"There's no problem with this. They can stay at Xiao's house."