Qiao Mo Shang shrinks his neck. Although he is a man of two generations, he is really a little afraid in the face of Qiao Mo Feng a lot of times: "so what, brother, I didn't say anything just now, right? Ah, by the way, I'd like to introduce my friend to you. His name is Shi Song. This is my eldest brother Qiao mofeng. Next to him is my eldest brother's friend, Zhao Mingyu, who is Zhao Mingxiang's younger brother. "

Joe mofeng then found that there was a very strong young man on the edge, which should be a little bigger than him: "Hello, I'm in trouble for you."

"No matter, Mo Shangren is very good." Shisong quickly waved his hand. If it wasn't because Qiao moshang didn't know where he was now, and his uncle and aunt were very good to him, he could feel the warmth and happiness when his father and mother were still there. This was the stolen time for him.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at Qiao Mo Shang and said, "I know what kind of person he is."

“……” Jomo Shang looked at his elder brother in silence, and said gloomily, "elder brother didn't scold his younger brother like this, did you?"

"Why not?"

"Well, feng'er is coming back just in time. We are going to explore a cemetery. We will bring sugar and beans." Qiao Tianchang looked at them and said.

"Don't worry, Dad. Shanger and I will protect sugar and beans."

"I will, uncle." Shisong is also a serious opening.

He likes these two little guys very much now. If something happens to them, he will be really sad.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, then looked at Zhao Mingyu on the side: "don't you go back and have a look?"

"I want to go back, but it's very troublesome." If he went back, those people in his family would know that Feng had come back together. At that time, Zhao Xinxin would surely come out of something. He didn't dare to take risks.

"Do it yourself. Zhao Xinxin and her mother have been banned." Ning Mengyao suddenly opens her mouth.

Zhao Mingyu was very surprised to see Qiao Tianchang and his wife. He asked them unexpectedly, "Uncle Qiao, is what my aunt said true?"

"It's true that your father is making arrangements for her. I'm afraid there's news now."

Zhao Mingyu was very surprised to see Ning Mengyao. He asked doubtfully, "which tendon is wrong with my old man? It would have been such a decision. "

"Don't ask about it. Now go back to see your father and your big brother." Ningmengyao would not tell Zhao Mingyu what happened, but urged him to go back soon.

After Zhao Mingyu left, Qiao mofeng asked, "what happened to my mother?"

Zhao Xinxin must have done something that people don't like. That's why Zhao Xinxin was forbidden. Seeing his mother's expression just now, he knew that what happened was not good.

I told Qiao mofeng the general things. After listening, Qiao mofeng's eyes were full of disgust. That woman was really brave to do it.

"Well, that's the end of the matter. As long as she doesn't come to us, you can't do it. Do you hear me?" Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao mofeng and said seriously.

Although very unwilling, but Joe Mo Feng or nodded to agree.

"Fenger, what we are going to do now is about the cemetery, rather than focusing on Zhao Xinxin, a small character. After the work here is over, we are going to do something else, try to finish it earlier, and then go back."

Joe Mo Feng's eyes flickered slightly: "Dad, we want to go back?"

"Well, why don't you want to come back with us?" Qiao Tianchang asked strangely.

Jomo Feng quickly shook his head: "of course not."

"How can I look different?" Ning Mengyao said, touching the jaw of the thief.

I knew it would look like this on Qiao mofeng's face. I reached out and rubbed my eyebrow and heart: "Mom, I'm serious, but I suddenly heard that I wanted to go back, and I felt very surprised."