Sugar and beans in the fragrance sent out when looking straight at the game on the fire, from time to time to ask: "how is your mother?"

"I'll be ready in a minute. I'll have it in a minute." Ningmengyao was amused by her daughter's lovely appearance. After a few square bricks, she cut off several chicken legs and stabbed them with a cleaner stick. One gave one chicken leg and then gave the rest to Qiao mofeng and others.

Zhao Mingyu can't wait to take a bite, but he can't be scalded: "woo woo, it's delicious. You're so happy, Feng. My parents are good-looking and powerful, and what we do now is so delicious."

Shisong can only eat, but can't talk. These days, he follows Jomo Shangs and they can't eat less. But compared with the delicious food in front of them, it seems that they don't care much about what they eat.

They are happy to eat here, and the rest of them are in some pain. Looking at the dry food in their hands, they are looking at their happy eating. Finally, a 14-5-year-old girl can't help but walk to Ning Mengyao and say shyly, "excuse me, can I have some of your barbecue? I don't eat for nothing. I can I can exchange things with you. " The little girl was probably afraid that they said she would eat nothing. She quickly took out several delicious fruits and handed them to her.

"Tea and tea." A middle-aged man helplessly looked at his daughter and said.

"But Dad..."

Ning Mengyao looked at the girl with a reluctant face, and finally couldn't help laughing. She cut the hare leg with a dagger: "here you are."

"Thank you. It's very kind of you." The face of tea and tea is red. I'm sorry. Then I hand over the fruit in my hand. When I want to leave, I take out two very lovely Bracelets from my carry on bag and put them on the hands of sugar and beans: "don't take them off, brother and sister. They will protect you."

"Thank you, sister." Tangtang and Doudou politely thanked each other. Tangtang also contributed the sugar balls made by Ning Mengyao to tea.

Tea and tea smile happily, take barbecue and sugar ball back to his father.

"Dad, they are so nice." Tea and tea smile and say, eyes are full of innocence.

"You are so sorry, you two. Tea and tea have caused you trouble." The man is a little embarrassed to say.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "a lovely little girl."

With tea and tea, some people also want to exchange things for some, but Zhao Mingyu and Shi Song quickly split the rest one, leaving the meat on their legs to three small ones, and the rest to them.

Looking at their actions, Joe mofeng felt ashamed, but he was very satisfied that they knew to leave the good to their younger brothers and sisters.

The expression on Tang Rui's face is not good-looking. He stares at the tea and tea he shared with his father with the hare leg and mutters, "steamed stuffed bun."

Tea and tea don't care about Tang Rui. She knows that she is envious and jealous. She doesn't have to worry too much about such a person. She is so tired.

Because of the barbecue and sugar balls, tea and tea were completely captured by Ning Mengyao. When they were on their way, they all left their father behind and ran to their side. They had to live and die here.

However, the tea people are lovely and simple. There are two shallow dimples on their smiling faces, which makes the ningmengyao family really hate it.

Hatu, the father of tea and tea, was a little confused. Finally, he could only take his people with him: "I'm sorry, my daughter has caused you trouble."

How could someone be so obsessed with others? It's very impolite.

"It doesn't matter." Ning Mengyao shakes her head. She finds that sugar and beans are very fond of tea and tea. The three people play together in a short time. Fortunately, they don't delay their journey, which makes those who don't like it, even if they want to say it, don't know where to start.