"Is it?"

"Otherwise, why do you think my elder brother has to study so much? You may only see his excellence, but you never see his efforts and costs. " Joe mofeng is devoted to learning anything. When learning how to make poisons, he tried poisons himself and then detoxified himself. This kind of thing happened more than once.

They all know about their parents and fengxiao's father, but they have no way to stop him. Even if qiaomofeng agrees to them, he will still do it when they don't know. Instead of letting him do these things where they can't see them, it's better to put them under their noses. At least there's aunt Qingshuang and grandfather watching, brother anyway Everything will be OK.


"As my mother said, I won't tell you about brother. If you want to know, ask brother yourself, and if he wants, he will tell you." Qiao moshang interrupts Zhao Mingyu and says directly.

Zhao Mingyu looks at Qiao moshang speechless. He hasn't said anything yet. The boy blocks his words back.

"Mingyu, you are feng'er's friend. As long as you treat each other sincerely, one day you will know that this child experienced too much when he was a child. Now it's a means of self-protection to treat people coldly and coldly." In fact, Joe mofeng is not without the opportunity to make friends, but he is not willing to make friends, he is afraid that these so-called friends will hurt him, so he would rather not.

But Zhao Mingyu's appearance was a complete accident, because they saw Zhao Mingyu, even the little monkey, so he came when they asked him to come.

But it also made him very satisfied, because Zhao Mingyu was really a person worth meeting.

"Don't worry, auntie. I will."

Ning Mengyao can't help but laugh, just because Qiao Mo Feng fell asleep, so she can only bear to laugh very hard.

Joe mofeng slept to the dawn, when he woke up, the fire had been baked game, and sugar in ningmengyao's side, open his eyes to him.

Qiao mofeng, who was still confused, saw sugar and the light of the day. He woke up and then heard the voice from the top: "wake up?"

Qiao Mo Feng blinked and sat up. Later, he found that he had fallen asleep on Ning Mengyao's leg.

"Niang..." Joe mofeng is a little embarrassed. After sleeping on his mother's leg all night, will dad knead him to death?

Qiao Tianchang looked at Qiao mofeng, and said lightly, "next time is not an example."

Joe Mo Feng hehe laughed, then reached out to touch his nose, expression is very embarrassed: "Dad I know."

After Qiao mofeng got up, Qiao Tianchang went to reach out and helped Ning Mengyao up, but Ning Mengyao felt that her legs were numb and unconscious.

Qiao Tianchang frowned, held the man in his arms and sat, then reached out and pressed her numb leg which was pressed by Qiao mofeng.

See two people's action, Joe Mo Feng is more embarrassed: "Niang why don't you wake me up?"

"You rarely sleep so well that you can sleep better." Ning Mengyao explained with a smile.

But her words, but let Qiao Mo Feng heart astringent, but also feel warm.

When tea and tea woke up, Qiao mofeng was helping out and ran over: "are you ok? What happened to you last night? "

"I'm fine." As for what happened last night, Joe mofeng didn't plan to talk about it.

Zhao Mingyu came over and patted Qiao mofeng on the shoulder: "it's OK. If it's OK, we can rest assured."

Joe Mo Feng smiled, didn't speak, and beckoned them to work together.

When the other people in the camp got up, Ning Mengyao and his party had finished breakfast. Hatu suddenly felt that they were really happy, and the barbecue was delicious.

Tang Rui inadvertently sees Qiao mofeng talking to tea and tea. The distance between the two is very close, which reminds Tang Rui that when he met him yesterday, he threw himself away directly.