"Don't be so pathetic as you say, don't think we don't know." Qiao Tianchang looked at fengxiao and said scornfully.

"I won't say. What are you going to do about the Feng family leader?"

"What to do?" Joe tianchangsen smiled coldly: "Ziyou worried about how he died at the beginning, and how he had to die."

Although he didn't know how he chose the Phoenix family, he didn't care about it as long as the person he wanted was still there.

"Ha ha, do you still treat people in their own way? It's a good result. " He seems to think of the woman's death, mother? It's a very ironic word for him.

The three stayed in the study for a long time. They came out. After they came out, they didn't know where they had gone. They didn't see anyone when they had a rest.

"How about my parents? Where have they been? "

"Madam, they are busy with something. When you are hungry, you can eat first. You don't have to wait for them." Said the green bamboo with a smile.

"OK, then you can call all the eldest brothers here. What about Uncle Yufeng?" Jomo shangrang the wind and asked.

"He's gone to teach your friends. He's had a lot of fun." "Green bamboo says with a smile:" even miss Mei also inserted a foot

“……” Jomo is speechless. What's the matter with her aunt? Can an aunt come back alive in Shisong?

"What's the matter with you?"

"I wonder if Shisong can come back alive." Jomo said solemnly.

"Xiaoshanger, we are so terrible in your heart?" Yufeng is very discontented and says that Mei Ruolin and Shi Song and their son Yusheng are following her.

Jomo Shang didn't say anything bad about the embarrassment of being caught, but went to see Shisong and found that his head was drooping.

"Take it easy, uncle."

"Don't worry, xiaoshanger. I'm very precious to this apprentice."

Shi Song wants to cry without tears and takes a look at Yufeng. He is very precious to his apprentice. But when he teaches his skills, he can be as ruthless as he wants to be, or as shameless as he wants to be, which is not enough to say that he is really powerful.

"Dad, are you sure you won't scare the elder martial brother away?" Yu Sheng looks at Yu Feng and asks in silence.

"Where can I? Sheng'er, you should trust your father and me." Yufeng laughs.

Yu Sheng gives Yu Feng a big white eye, which obviously means he doesn't believe Yu Feng's words. His words can be believed, which is even more frightening than the sow's going to the tree.

"What's the look in your eyes, boy?"

"I don't believe your eyes. Brother Shang, will you train with us tomorrow?" Yu Sheng ignored Yu Feng and went to Qiao moshang's side to ask. His favorite thing was to practice martial arts with his brother.

Jomo Shang nodded, "of course, it's together."

Huangfu Qing suddenly understood why he liked his life now. Compared with his time in Lingjia, his life now is in heaven.

"I suddenly understand what you mean."

Jomo was stunned for a moment, then he smiled. The smile on his face was so amazing.

After dinner, Qiao Tianchang and they haven't come back yet. Qiao Moshan takes people to play around. Of course, he doesn't forget the sugar and sugar.

And Qiao Tianchang and his wife are in the dungeon of Xiaoyao villa. They look at the owner of the Phoenix family who is dirty and full of scars. Qiao Tianchang does not frown.

"Let go of me, fengxiao." The Feng family leader hasn't spoken yet. Mrs. Feng has opened her mouth. Her voice is full of hatred. She should have killed the beast long ago. Otherwise, she would not have become a prisoner from the superior wife of the family leader. It's not good at all.

Feng Xiao looked at the woman who kept shouting: "how do you feel about killing your own son? After all, that's your favorite and favorite son, but in the end? But I died in your hand. How does it feel? Is it particularly good? Special excitement? "