Mufeng nodded and said, "don't worry, I won't treat you like Yufeng treats Shisong."

Hearing Mufeng's words, their bad premonition became more intense. They turned their heads to look at ningmengyao at the same time: "aunt, can we refuse?"

"Yes, if you want me to teach you myself, I don't care at all." Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and said quietly.

Huangfu Qing and Zhao Mingyu are speechless. At the same time, they say, "let's follow uncle mu."

After staying here for such a long time, they know that Ning Mengyao is not as gentle as she looks on the surface. When she teaches anyone, she doesn't say anything about love, including sugar and beans, or even the smallest mushong. What to do is what to do. It's just cruel.

Ning Mengyao spread out his hands and said innocently, "would it be better if it had been like this?"

“……” Huang Fu and Qing.

"Yao'er, don't scare people away." Mufeng looks at ningmengyao like this and says with tears and smiles. Originally, Huangfu held them a little happy, but who knows that Mufeng's words turned around: "who will manage business for you after scaring people away?"

Two people look at each other, they are crazy to think that Mufeng people are good, they didn't say anything, they didn't think about anything, it's just a brain problem.

"Want to run? Have you asked the little monkey and feng'er These two people are killed by little monkey and maple. They want to run? In fact, the probability is not small at all, or even small can not be smaller.

Qiao moshang looks at Huangfu Qing with his eyebrows raised. The eyes are basically saying that you dare to run and try. Zhao Mingyu doesn't need Qiao Moshan to have extra moves. He just looks at it. Zhao Mingyu is stupid.

Mufeng can't bear to look straight at the humiliating look of the two.

"Can you bully children like this?" Xiao Jishi can't help but ask curiously.

However, it was not Mufeng and ningmengyao who waited for him, but Huangfu holding their eye Knives: "who do you say is a child?"

“……” Xiao Ji looks at the two people very speechless. Who did he offend? How to say a word that people despise?

"Well, no more trouble. Let's get down to business first. Xiao, after you don't think I'm joking with you, we'll get through the west coast with the shipping there after we leave here, and we'll give the two of them full responsibility for this business." Ningmengyao is so relieved. It's because Qiao moshang and Qiao mofeng believe in their vision.

Xiao Ji thought that Ning Mengyao was joking, but now seeing her saying this seriously, he found that what Ning Mengyao said was true, with no false gesture.

"Of course you have another way."

"Tell me."

"You build your own caravan, then hire our ships, take the unique things here to the shore, sell them, and then bring the things there back here." This way is more suitable for Xiao Jilai.

Xiao Ji was silent and did not speak. After thinking for a long time, he said seriously, "I choose to hire your boat."

"It's very good. We will go to see the boat tomorrow. I can show you first, but you should know that our boat hire is not cheap." At this time, ningmengyao was a qualified and excellent businessman.

"I think it's worth it."

"You'll be grateful for your choice."

Huangfu Qing and Zhao Mingyu looked at each other and asked, "can we cooperate with Xiao Ji in this way when we deal with this matter?"

"Of course, as a manager, you have the right to use the ship. You only need to pay a small fee, but I hope you know that it's only limited to yourself. As for others, brothers and sisters, you should know how to calculate."