I don't know if it's because of the geographical location. No matter how big or how good the pearls are, they can't compare with those here. The color here is very beautiful, especially the pink pearls and a kind of red pearls. This is the real rarity. However, the number of red pearls is not very large, but it's enough for ningmengyao. After all, the rarity is the most precious thing.

After the goods are all scattered, Ning Mengyao looks at them with a smile and a relaxed expression on her face: "next is to tell you how to sell these things."

As for this Ningmeng, if you don't have to do it, because there is a Mufeng beside it. With the explanation of Mufeng and the words that ningmengyao added from time to time, they can benefit a lot.

In the trial sale half a month later, the quantity of these things sold is very considerable, and the price is much higher than the price they bought from ningmengyao, which makes them very excited. So what are they worried about in the future?

When everything is on the right track, they are ready to leave.

This time, Wulin didn't leave. As for Maureen, he left with him and brought his grandfather with him. The way he dragged his family and his mouth made Ning Mengyao feel very funny. What surprised them most was that tea and tea had to go with them. Not only in this way, but also when Hatu came, he brought people with him and brought them a lot of them Tribal features.

Tea and tea felt their nose embarrassed: "Auntie, you won't be angry with me?"

Although their tribe is pretty good, it is really very poor. They have a lot of good things, but no one likes them here, so she would like to let her father, like Huangfu Qing, worry that ningmengyao will not be happy.

"It's OK. It's also good to help the tribe improve their life. Besides, these things are also very good for you." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Seeing that Ning Mengyao was not angry, tea and tea smiled contentedly, but Hatu and his tribe were embarrassed, but in addition to being embarrassed, they expected more.

Looking forward to the life improvement for the tribe.

When they left, Huangfu Qing came to see them all, and Lanting, under the protection of no worries, went with the blue couple with a big stomach to see them off.

Some of the people who came to tongbaozhai this time also stayed. After all, they still need to deal with the affairs here. It's impossible for everyone to leave.

"Don't worry, I will guard Xiaoyao villa." Carefree look at ningmengyao seriously said.

Without Ning Mengyao, there would be no him now. His current life depends on the help of Ning Mengyao. Now he has a wife, a son and a family. Such a life is just a dream for him.

"I believe you."

Huangfu Qing looked at Jomo Shang and said, "I will go to find you."


Zhao Mingyu was also dissatisfied. Looking at Qiao mofeng, he was very depressed and said, "I really want to go there. It must be very interesting."

"You can just come with him when he comes." It's rare for Qiao mofeng to have a good face to Zhao Mingyu, but it's enough to make him happy.

"Well, you wait for us, we will come." Now everything is just beginning, they can't leave at all. During this period, he also learned a lot from Uncle Mu and aunt Qiao. He can't fail their guidance.

"Then we'll go first."

After boarding, the sailor pulled out the anchor and left.

Looking at the boat leaving slowly, Huangfu Qing and Zhao Mingyu are disappointed. How can they not go with them.

"Well, we have a lot to do. We have to take this place down and build a large wharf. There are also many shops here." Xiao Ji said, looking at their heads drooping.

"That's right. After Mingyu has finished the work, you can go and play again." Zhao Kui looked at his son and said comfortingly.

Ningmengyao will never forget their help. They made a lot of money on those things. And this time, they also sent a caravan to go there to buy things from there and sell them back.

They didn't leave until the ship was out of sight. Xiao didn't get angry because of this. He could also cooperate with Huangfu Qing to make money.