Xiao Qitian was shocked at ningmengyao's words. She meant I want to turn tongbaozhai into a dark arrow.

"Mengyao, tell me your specific plan." Xiao Qitian thought that according to ningmengyao's character, these things would not be solved in this way. She must have left her later moves.

"After knowing the current situation of Xiao kingdom from lei'an, I have made plans. I will go to the border town with Tian Chang." Ning Mengyao said a shocking news.

For a while, Xiao Qitian didn't know the meaning of Bai Ning's Mengyao completely: "Mengyao, are you?"

"In the eyes of others, we have become an empty shell. Now it's the right time for you to say that the nomadic people in the north are in the border town of Xiaoguo and Fengguo. Because of the permission between the two countries, they can stay here, and Xiaoguo and Fengguo protect them to a certain extent. In this case, why can't we use it?" Ningmengyao calmly analyzes the current situation.

"Yao Yao is right. Nomads usually live by herding. Their horseback skills are more powerful than ours. Our people may not be able to compete. If we give them a place to live and make their life better, what do you think of them? Will you be grateful or will you do something to Xiao? " Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qitian and asks.

"I'll be grateful." It's not a matter of two days for them to deal with nomads. They still understand their character.

Those people are generous and hospitable. They are also the gratitude map. This is his favorite place.

"That's right. In this case, why can't we use it? This is a matter of mutual benefit. "

Xiao Qitian was not stupid either. He immediately understood the meaning of the two. He thought, "what are you going to do?"

"When we came here, we set up a route between here and the west coast to sell things here and there. As long as they are processed well, many things of the nomadic people will be liked. At the same time, the economy of the border city will also drive development. Only when the country is strong and the people are strong can the army be stronger." Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Qitian and said earnestly.

Yufeng they heard for the first time that ningmengyao said there was something other than business.

The expression on Xiao Qitian's face has changed. If you think about it carefully, you will understand the meaning of Ning Mengyao.

In fact, the people in the border city are not very well off. If they can really live a good life through their efforts, this is also a good result.

"Mengyao will trouble you then."

"Needless to say that."

In fact, she did it for a purpose. Since they have come back, they will naturally live here. Only Xiao is strong enough to reassure them.

Qiao Tianchang said thoughtfully, "after I go there, I can promote martial arts practice, both men and women, old and young."

If the ordinary people have the ability to protect themselves, what are they afraid of?

Xiao Qitian said: "here Is it possible? "

"Can't you just know after trying? Can't you even know before you try? Don't make excuses for yourself. " It's not that I can't do it, but I've already denied myself before I do it. What's more powerful? What's more about expelling those people?

Xiao Qitian nodded. He was really not good at it.

After everything was settled, Ning Mengyao and them went to have a rest. The next day Xiao Chengya and Bai Mo took their child Bai Yu to the imperial city.

Seeing the safe return of Ning Mengyao's family, Xiao Chengya's eyes are full of light of peace, and they finally come back.

"Your child is out of the house, and he doesn't know to give us some news. Yu'er, this is your sister." After she scolded her daughter, Xiao introduced her brother and sister who had never met before.

Ningmengyao gave a gift to meet Bai Yu, who was a little shy.

"Mom, I want you to do me a favor."


"Let uncle Bai stay by Qi Tian's side and become his brain trust." Compared with Xiao Qifeng, Xiao Qitian is much worse, especially in the emperor's policy.