Jomo Shang's face showed a little smile, but looked at the biggest young man: "don't try to deceive me, this result is not you can bear."

As soon as the eldest brother's face changed, he looked at Jomo Shang and nodded after a long time.

After the boss finished, Jomo Shang looked at them, especially the girl: "give her medicine."

"Yes, sir."

After Jomo Shang left, several children looked at the biggest one: "brother, how can you tell them? Tell them we're going to die. "

"What if I don't tell you? Do you see the little sister tortured? " The eldest brother looked at several younger brothers and sisters and said with a wry smile.


"We are not going to say it now, and we will say it later. Don't you see his means? We just don't want to die. " It can be seen from the words and deeds of that child that as long as there is one breath left, they will not die.

The children on the side all lowered their heads, so it has to be said that it is.

Jomo Shang outside laughed coldly when he heard their words.

"How about Shanger?" Seeing Qiao moshang coming back, Ning Mengyao asked curiously.

Qiao moshang sat beside Ning Mengyao and said with a smile: "I'm going out, of course, no problem, but they don't know a lot of things. They are only responsible for information, and then send the information to a specific place, and it's in the city. As for where, they don't know. Every time they used to have someone waiting there."

"Is it?"

"Yes, but they are regular. Every five days they will pass by, and this time it has been four days, that is to say, tomorrow is the time for them to pass." They have taken people away. I'm afraid tomorrow's business won't work.

Ningmengyao en, Qiao Tianchang on the edge of the opening: "let Maple easy to accommodate the biggest child, tomorrow, there is no sign of any connection between them?"

"Yes." Jomo Shang nodded, all of which he asked.

"Very well, Shanger, go to your elder brother and tell him what I mean." Recently, Qiao mofeng and tea are having a bit of fun in the next workshop. I really need to find something for him to do. I'll save my heart and fall on it.

Qiao moshang nodded hurriedly. He wanted to go to the workshop for a long time. However, there was no time left. He had to give up. Now he found a chance, and he would not leave.

"Take Qinghuai with you when you go." When Qiao moshang was very excited, Qiao Tianchang gave a cool order.

Jomo mourns and looks at his father without words. How can this man do this? He thought he could go out alone, but forget it. Take it with you. That guy won't threaten his business.

After Qiao moshang left, Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and asked helplessly, "you can leave everything to the children to do, so you can?"

"What can't you do? They are not young either. It's time for them to do things on their own. " Qiao Tianchang said disapprovingly.

When he was 15 or 16 years old, he already had a lot of military skills. He changed from an ordinary soldier to a general. He didn't think his children were lack of anything. Instead, they were more excellent than he was at the beginning. At the beginning, he was for survival, but now these children are just for experience. Later, it's impossible to say that they will have more time to work independently, if they do everything No, what about independence?

Ning Mengyao actually said that, she was also very in favor of Qiao Tianchang's practice. She had the ability to think independently and adapt to the circumstances, which was the best for them, so she was not particularly worried. After all, they protected people under their wings.

"Well, don't worry about so much, not to mention Shanger, that boy of feng'er is all ghost elite and ghost elite, and won't suffer losses." Joe mofeng has been practicing outside for such a long time. If anything happens, it's a shame to lose his hair.

Ning Mengyao thought of qiaomo Feng's ghost ideas and couldn't help laughing: "you're right, maple doesn't need us to worry."