Qiao mofeng looked at the angry man in front of him. His eyes were full of satire. Because they couldn't help it, would they let the children think of something?

"If found, we We... "

"What are you? Don't forget your mission. It's your mission to dedicate all you have for the desert. Even if it's your life, then what? " Said the man angrily.

He won't tell them that all their credit has come to him, and they will get a lot of awards when they go back.

Qiao mofeng looked at the man's upright and dignified appearance, and couldn't help laughing, but the smile was seeping.

"Is it? Then I think you are here to give your own life. " Joe mofeng's suddenly changed tone surprised the man.

"Who are you?"

Joe mofeng didn't answer his words, but he started in a flash and made a move to the opposite door. After dozens of rounds, Joe mofeng found a gap, grabbed people, removed his chin, and got out the fangs hidden in his mouth, which brought people back.

Qiao mofeng went back and cleaned his clothes and makeup.

The spy in the desert saw that his man had changed into a beautiful young man. There was no reason why he didn't understand. He looked at Qiao mofeng fiercely in front of him and said, "you caught them?" Not only did he catch the news, but also asked for information. This cognition made him a little shocked.

"How could you..."

Qiao Tianchang looked at the people on the ground and said, "after feng'er goes back, let Qingshuang and Nanyu come back."

"It's dad."

Qiao Mo's eyelids beat for a while, and let aunt Qingshuang come back. This person is going to have a lot of bad luck. The means of those two people are just like metamorphosis. It's terrible to think about it.

Qiao mofeng stayed at home for a while and went back to the workshop, and brought Qiao Tianchang's meaning to Qingshuang and Nanyu.

After they went back, they didn't have any nonsense. They started directly and asked for the information in less than a quarter of an hour.

Ningmengyao suddenly felt a kind of light sadness. How could her green frost become more and more abnormal? Her pure and kind green frost.

Although that's true, Qiao Tianchang and his wife are very angry about the news they asked about Qingshuang. As for the people he said, Qiao Tianchang has become the one who has caught more than ten people in the whole, and several of them have even mixed into the barracks.

This result made Qiao Tianchang angry, which made the generals and generals in the border town tremble. They were afraid that one of them would not be kicked by Qiao Tianchang.

Those who were kicked by him are still in bed. They don't want to be treated like this.

Qiao Tianchang looked at them coldly and said angrily, "this is only part of it. There are so many people in the desert, even people in the barracks. Their positions are not low. What are you doing?"

People who are scolded have no power to answer back. They can only lower their heads and dare not speak.

Seeing them like this, Joe Tianchang was even more angry, and his face was also hard. These guys just didn't clean up.

"You'll see to it, and how to remedy it."

"General here..."

"What is this? If you make such a mistake again, you can get it yourself. Don't let me tell you. " Joe looked at them coldly and stood up and left with anger.

The rest of them all hung their heads and were scolded by the general. They really died.

Because Qiao Tianchang, the spy in the desert, is very busy recently. He found some border city civil servants who were bribed by those people.

Qiao Tianchang's mood these days is very bad. Even when he is in the general's house, his face is calm. Unless his wife and children are restrained, his momentum at other times makes people know that he is very unhappy and angry now.

Mu Chen and they looked at Ning Mengyao curiously: "what's wrong with Tianchang? Have you eaten explosives in recent days? "

"No, there are dozens of spies in the border cities. They have more or less influence in the cities. Not only that, they also bribed five or six civil and military officials in the border cities."