Qiao Tianchang still agrees with his son's decision and idea. Xiaomu is their child and can't be bullied.

"Mu'er, uncle Yufeng and I have taught you a lot of things and applied them to you. Those people are very dissatisfied with you all the time. This event is also an opportunity for you. Although you are only seven years old, some things can't be helped by your father. How to get more people's support in this event depends on how you deal with them Take care of it. " He is trying to teach as much as he can. Whether he can use it well depends on his own means.

"Don't worry, uncle. Muer won't let you down." Xiao Mu looked at Qiao Tianchang and said earnestly.

Qiao moshang is also very blind to those people: "don't worry, Dad. I'm next to Xiaomu, and my grandparents will help to talk."

"I know, but I hope mu'er will not rely on strength if she can solve this problem by herself. Although this will let you get your own results soon, it will let people see you clearly. When you want to win people's hearts, this kind of approach is not good for you." Qiao Tianchang didn't agree with his son very much.

"Dad, didn't I use to be useless?" Jomo mourns and frowns.

"Shanger, you need to be a military commander for mu'er, and you need to study hard with your uncle after you come back. That's not to say that you didn't use it in the past. As long as you go back with mu'er, it means that the general's office of our town is standing behind mu'er." Although the son is smart and has different experiences, however, the experience is still too little.

"Dad, you mean it's a deterrent, right?" Jomo Shang soon understood Joao Tianchang's meaning.

"Yes, with the deterrence of the general's office of the town, even if they want to trip mu'er, they have to weigh it, because the general's office of the town does not only represent me. It also represents your mother and tongbaozhai. " The general's office and tongbaozhai are bound together.

The current tongbaozhai is totally different from the situation more than half a year ago. It can be said that tongbaozhai is back to the past. Although it has not reached the peak of their time, it is also a deterrent for those people.

In their eyes, tongbaozhai is a god of wealth. No one is willing to push out the God of wealth, especially they don't know whether they will offend tongbaozhai or be isolated by others after they do so.

Qiao moshang immediately understood Qiao Tianchang's meaning. No matter in business or in the court, their family has a strong background. Just by these, as long as he follows Xiao Mu, and Xiao Mu doesn't make any mistakes, then he won't have an accident, and he will sit steadily as Prince, even if Xiao Qitian has other women and other sons in the future.

Compared with them, who has so much power?

"Dad, I see what you mean. My appearance is a kind of deterrence. I don't need to say anything about the forces behind me, so those ministers won't have anything to say, right?"

"That's right, so mu'er, you need to know that you have me behind you, your aunt, and uncle Yufeng. They support you. You don't lack anything compared with those people, so speak and work harder." Qiao Tianchang nodded, looked at Xiao Mu and said seriously.

Xiao Mu nodded incessantly: "Er Bo I know, I won't humiliate you."

Three days later, lei'an took people to see each other off. Xiao Mu took Qiao moshang and Wu Ziyun's people back to the capital.

Xiao Qi, who heard the news in the capital, was worried about it. This time, he didn't know if his son could handle it well.

No matter how worried Xiao Qitian is, they are on their way back. However, the arrival of Qiao moshang reassures Xiao Qitian.

Now Xiao Qitian is different from the one he used to be. Naturally, I think the problem is deeper. Naturally, I know the reason why Qiao Tianchang let Qiao Mo mourn. His arrival is just to support Xiao Mu.