Hearing this sound, Qiao Moshan looked up and found that it was a boy about twelve or thirteen years old, looking at him with a critical look.

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth. Joe moshang never liked to waste his time on such a person.

However, Qiao moshang ignores this man, and people even put their noses on their faces. They think that Qiao moshang doesn't speak because he is afraid of speaking, because he is afraid of him.

"Look at him. He's still the general's son. He's a waste at all. He can't even speak." The man continued with a cold snort.

People on the edge all look at him with a kind of Idiot's eyes, but he hasn't found out yet. Several children look at each other, and they are all far away from him. When they come, people at home have told them that they can't be friends with Jomo Shang, and they can't be enemies. Are the two sons so easy to provoke? The answer, of course, is No.

Jomo Shang looked at the man playfully and threw out the cup in his hand, which just stopped the man's mouth.

The quilt was just stuck in the young man's mouth because of the dark strength of Jomo Shang. He wanted to take it and couldn't take it out. He was covering his throat in pain, and his eyes were full of pain.

Jomo Shang plays with the cup he just took. He looks at the young man through the edge of the cup and sneers.

Those young people who are far away from qiaomoshang just sit on the chair and lean at will. It must be very bad for an eight year old to lean there with such a lazy state. But when they see such qiaomoshang, they feel as if they have seen qiaotianchang, although his momentum is not as strong as qiaotianchang.

When Zheng Fei, the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of work, saw this scene, he almost fainted. This is the son of his family. He is also spoiled in ordinary times. He told him today that he could not provoke Qiao moshang. How could he not only provoke him, but also make it like this.

"That young master Joe doesn't know how to offend you?" Zheng Fei looked at Qiao moshang and asked gingerly.

"How can I offend you? You ask them. " Qiao moshang pointed to the man who was standing beside the young master of Zheng's family just now.

The person who was named has a bitter face, but you and I have imitated what Mr. Zheng said just now. After that, several people have come down in cold sweat.

Qiao moshang, with one hand on his chin, looked at Zheng Fei and said lightly, "how do you think he has offended me? He belittles me. I have nothing to say. After all, my current status comes from my father and mother. But what qualification does he have to belittle my father and the general's office of our town? "

Zheng Fei's face changed. What his son said just now is not disrespect to Qiao Tianchang?

"The dog is still young, and he doesn't talk through his brain. I hope master Qiao will forgive me."

"Still small? In front of an 8-year-old, say a 12-year-old is still young? Then you might as well tell me, how big is it? " The irony of Jomo Shangxiao's face is that there is something wrong with this man's brain, right? Say in front of him that his son is young.

Zheng Fei suddenly felt that he had no face for a long time, and the expression on his face was also very embarrassing. He just ignored the problem.

"otherwise, let's let three uncles comment and see if it's really useless for my father who has been guarding Xiao for more than ten years and is now becoming the defense line of Xiao? Is it really as bad as he said? " When Qiao moshang saw Zheng Fei unable to speak, he spoke again.

"Zheng Fei, do you want to roll the calf for me, your son is young? When the general was his age, he was already in the barracks, and he also made great contributions. A kid who didn't have a long hair dare to disrespect the general. Believe it or not, I abandoned him? " Many of the generals are a little grumpy. The man who spoke has been fighting with Qiao Tianchang since he joined the army. Later, he was sent back because of his serious injury and became a general guarding the city. Now when he heard that Zheng Fei was embarrassed by the general's son, he immediately blew his hair.