White Mo couldn't help laughing after reading: "Shanger, you still have many things to learn. Your father asked you to ignore everything before and let Xiaomu finish it by himself. That's the chance he needs. Now let you help Xiaomu with all your strength, because he needs this merit, so he can promote this cooperation. There will be no harm but good for him in the future. Someone in the hall must be I don't want to see such a result. "

Jomo Shang thought about it and listened to his analysis of the incident. Finally, he understood something. He nodded immediately: "it's because of this. I understand."

Since they want to promote this cooperation, they must treat it with heart, and they can't let those people destroy it.

"Grandpa, I went to find Xiaomu."


White Mo looks at the back of Joe Mossan's departure and smiles. It's so young.

Qiao moshang read Qiao Tianchang's letter to Xiao Mu. After reading it, Xiao Mu was very grateful: "brother Shang thank you."

"Say what thank you? Besides, I'm going to get angry. " Jomo Shang stares at Xiao Mu discontentedly.

"Well, no thanks."

The next morning, Xiao Qitian said it publicly in the court. Xiao Mu and Qiao moshang both went. Some ministers were very dissatisfied with this. They thought they were still children and could not participate in such a serious topic.

However, Xiao Mu directly refuted and went back: "we are right, but this matter is in the charge of our palace. Why do you look down upon our palace?"

If a big hat is buttoned down, even if those people are dissatisfied, what can they say? It's not that they have to agree to let Xiao Mu stay. As Qiao Tianchang said, some people in the court are firmly opposed to this cooperation.

To this Qiao Mo Shang light opening: "you do not agree to cooperate, say your reason, can't you say not agree to disagree?"? It doesn't convince us all, does it? "

"Yes, his Royal Highness has said all the benefits that cooperation will bring to us. If you don't think we can cooperate, you have to say one, two, three." Some ministers agreed.

Those who oppose are silent first, and then talk about how the desert people hurt the border city soldiers.

"It seems that you are too old and your brain is a little bit inflexible. As I said before, these things are not done by Wu Ziyun, but by Wu Ziyun, the current Lord. Do other people's things have to be imposed on Wu Ziyun?" Jomo Shang spoke again. They were speechless.

Xiao Mu looked at the old minister who was talking: "my palace remembers that one year ago, the brothers of the second room of the Lin family made a big mistake. At last, the father only punished them. They were not affected by the illness. Now it seems that it is not right. At the beginning, the father should have dealt with your family. After all, you are a family or a brother. Do you think you are Lin adults Is that right? "

Xiao Qitian sat in the first place and looked at his baby son with a smile. This is a good saying.

Mr. Lin was asked by Xiaomu that Haosheng had no face, so he could only keep silent. At the beginning, it was a big thing, because they had separated for a long time, so they were not in danger. Now, Xiaomu said that if one of them did not do well, they would probably be held responsible. Then it would be trouble.

He'd better not talk at this time.

"Why didn't lord Lin talk? Or do you think this palace's words are unreasonable? "

Lord Lin laughed at them and braked, "Your Highness is right."

Xiao Mu didn't say much after looking at him: "is there anyone else who can't cooperate? Let's say it all at once. When we save it, someone will say something messy. "

Xiao Mu was embarrassed to say that, especially when he stabbed some people's hearts, which made them very uncomfortable.

For a long time, no one said anything against it again. Xiao Mu said with a smile: "in this case, the rest of the father's business will be up to you." This naughty look, just like a child all.

In fact, although Xiao Mu learned from Yufeng today, he was also worried about it. Fortunately, Qiao Moshan told him a lot last night, and finally Bai Mo came to analyze it for him, otherwise it would not work.