Along the way, Qiao Tianchang was very careful. He took the people behind him and walked towards the place with traces. From the first trace to the last trace, it's needless to say that everyone can see it.

"There are traces of people passing through this place, and there are many." After observing for half a day, Joe mofeng finally came to a conclusion.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "feng'er is right. There are people doing activities in this place, and the activities are very ordinary. Maybe they come out to hunt or something, but even feng'er ignores them."


Qiao Tianchang picked up a horseshoe from the corner.

"Horseshoe? This... This is a horse passing by here? But how can horses be used in such a place? " Joe mofeng was a little surprised.

"It's true that such a place is a place where a person has some difficulties, let alone a horse." Feng Xiao also looked at Qiao Tianchang doubtfully.

Qiao Tianchang looked around and said in a deep voice: "after confirming that there are activities in this place, it seems simple but also troublesome to find out. Only after finding out the people can we find out what they have done." Qiao Tianchang threw the horseshoe to the ground.

The soldiers around Qiao Tianchang were immediately embarrassed. They promised that there would be no problem before, but now they just came in and found such a big problem. If there is really someone doing something in the mountain, it is a big problem.

"General How could that be. "

"I've already said that everything is possible. Let's go. If you go inside, you may get something." Qiao Tianchang took the lead in going out. Along the way, Qiao mofeng also saw a lot of medicinal materials. He also picked them up and kept them. He was not allowed to use them at any time.

Feng Xiao has been following Qiao Mo Feng's side, afraid that something might happen suddenly.

Qiao mofeng looked at his father with a smile on his face: "Dad, I'm ok, you don't have to worry about me."

"Well, let's go."

Although he hasn't been in the mountain for many years, Qiao Tianchang still knows the situation in the mountain. Once in the mountain, he seems to return to the original hunting days.

"Dad, you are familiar with the terrain in the mountains."

"Yes, I've been a hunter for several years. I've only reduced the number of times to enter the mountain since I married your mother. Can I not be familiar with it?" Joe Tianchang said jokingly.

It seems that they met him when he came home from hunting and went down the mountain. The next few meetings were also on the mountain.

Although listening to Yufeng, they mentioned Qiao Tianchang's things in those years, but now I hear Qiao Tianchang's words, it's really interesting.

"Father and mother don't know each other on the mountain, do they?" Joe mofeng asked curiously.

"This is not true. I came back from hunting and met you at your mother's door when I went down the mountain." Joe Tianchang said simply.

The soldiers on the side were also stunned. They only heard the life of the general when he left the border town today. It was inconceivable that the general and his wife knew each other this way.

Feng Xiao looks at Qiao Tianchang. His face is full of smiles, which make his teeth sour.

"I really want to shut up your mouth. Do you show off like that?" Feng Xiao said not very angry.

Qiao Tianchang took a look at fengxiao and said naturally, "this is what my son said when he asked me. If he didn't ask me, he would not say it."

Another meaning of his words is that you should be honored.

Feng Xiao was laughed by Qiao Tianchang's shameless appearance. He dared to say anything.

"Yes, you should be satisfied."

"You know."

Their teasing soon stopped. Joe Tianchang still remembered what they were here for.

All of a sudden, Joe Tianchang looked up and found that there was an eagle hovering above his head, and his sharp eyes were staring at them all the time.

This eagle, he has seen it for the fourth time since he entered the mountain. Two times at a time can be called an accident, but three times and four times is not an accident, right?

"Dad, what's wrong with this eagle?"

"Yes, and the problem is very big. Since we entered the mountain, plus this time, the eagle has appeared in front of us for the fourth time."