The other side's expression changed, and his body began to twitch. He couldn't believe looking at Qiao mofeng. He didn't see how the teenager in front of him poisoned. He could clearly know what was in the poison, but he didn't know how to solve it.

Qiaomofeng is very satisfied with the painful look of the other party. Well, it seems that this crude poison making method is also feasible. When qiaomofeng wants to make further moves, there is a sudden sound of breaking the air behind him. Qiaomofeng turns around and sees a man flying towards him. Qiaomofeng sneers. If they think they are only one who can use poison That's a very wrong number.

Although his talent is not as good as Jomo Shang's, he should learn nothing less, nor be lazy.

In a leap, Joe mofeng not only didn't flinch, but also went up. He punched each other heavily on the chin, twisted his face painfully, and then flew out and hit the ground heavily. Soon there was no breath.

Looking at the dead man, Joe mofeng just glanced at him, and the realization didn't continue to put it on the other man, but turned to see the poisoned man, but he was a little late, because the man was dead, leaving only the white bones.

Joe mofeng's vicious means make people who want to fight against him can't help but retreat and find other people's troubles one after another. Joe mofeng doesn't go to trouble people either, just stands by and watches.

He mainly watched the fight between Qiao Tianchang and fengxiao, and the fight between them, which made him feel a sense of enlightenment. Every time he saw it, he would benefit a lot.

Soon the other side's people were almost dead, only the ones with higher martial arts were left. Qiao Tianchang dodged and opened his opponent's attack. He locked the other side's neck and said coldly, "who are you?"

"Withdraw." People died after giving orders, with black blood on the corners of their mouths. At first sight, they knew that they had committed suicide.

The rest of them wanted to escape, but they were stopped. They looked at each other. Before Joe Tianchang could do anything, they killed themselves.

Originally, Joe Tianchang wanted to make a living. Now he is very dissatisfied with the result. He looks at those people coldly.

"What shall we do now, general?" People have died, and the clue has been interrupted. There is no way in this place. Some of them don't understand where these people came from.

"Look." He didn't believe that these people appeared out of thin air. This place must have mechanisms or secret ways.

After ordering things down, tear off one piece of his robe, then bite his finger, and tell ningmengyao what happened here with blood. At the same time, let ningmengyao tell fengshuo what happened, and let them send someone over.

When these people find out, if they don't pay them back immediately, they will be the trouble.

Big black flew down from the sky, Qiao Tianchang put the cloth into the bamboo tube, and then let it go back quickly.

It's not far from the border city. It's only one day. The letter has been sent to ningmengyao.

When Ning Mengyao saw the letter written with blood, she frowned. It seemed that their situation there was not very good. Otherwise, Tianchang would not rush to write the blood book with her own blood.

After reading the content, Ning Mengyao immediately sent a letter to Feng Shuo, hoping that he would soon realize the seriousness of the matter, and then let people come over.

At the junction of the two countries, it's a shame for them to let people get into the hole. Qiao Tianchang must be holding a breath in his heart.

Sigh a little. If she doesn't need her help here, she also wants to take people to the mountain to help Qiao Tianchang.

However, to Ning Mengyao's satisfaction, Qiao moshang and them came back. This time, Xiao Mu came with them. After arriving in the border city, Xiao Mu was not excited. It was like a runaway wild horse.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Mu in tears and laughs: "you are oppressed in the capital."

Xiao muhehe smiled and said with great embarrassment, "Auntie, you don't know that the capital is really boring. People are watching what you do. It's like being a prison. It's not as comfortable as a border city."