"Fengxiao, do you hear anything?" Qiao Tianchang listened, but suddenly his voice was gone. He thought he had heard it wrong, or he would not have listened intermittently, not clearly.

Feng Xiao nodded, "there's a voice, but now it's gone, and it's similar to what I heard last night."

"It's not quite the same." After listening for a long time, Qiao mofeng came to such a conclusion.

"What do you say?"

"Last night it was a very shrill scream, but now it's not. Now it's like It's like arguing about something. " Joe mofeng said with some uncertainty.

The two of them carefully identified the voice just now, and their brows were also wrinkled. They were really confused about the current situation.

Qiao Tianchang is also confused. What did these people do? I would have done such a thing.

No matter how confused Qiao Tianchang's heart was, there was a thunder in the sky soon. It was obvious that it would rain soon.

At this time, although it's hard for them to rain, it's also convenient. With thunder, they can do a lot of things, which can't be done when the surrounding is very quiet.

Under the cover of thunder, Qiao Tianchang and his three quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. There was a small yard there, but there was no guard at the door. They were very kind.

Qiao Tianchang sneers. It seems that the other side is really not confident. He thinks that no one can come here with the poison fog and those poisons as a barrier. It's just a dream.

Jump, people have arrived in the yard, Feng Xiao and Qiao Mo Feng are not behind, soon came to his side.

"This place is a little weird. Let's not separate. Let's go and have a look." Said Jo Tianchang in a low voice.

"Good." They are also very supportive of this.

After looking for several yards, there was nothing unusual in them, even no one was there. This place seemed to be uninhabited, but thinking of the sounds they heard before, they turned around again.

"This is the last yard. If there is nothing different here, we'll find it from below." Joe Tianchang extended his fingers to the ground, with a serious expression.

Feng Xiao also nodded: "you are right. If there is no one in this place, there may be many secret rooms and so on. But if it is true, it will be very difficult for us to find them."

"Anyway, go ahead and have a look." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

Qiao Tianchang takes the lead. When he enters, he feels very uncomfortable. After Qiao mofeng enters, he notices something wrong. This place is different.

Fortunately, on his way here, he collected all kinds of herbs, which can detoxify, and so can those in the yard.

However, Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a scarlet at this time, and soon he did not notice Qiao mofeng: "Dad, you clean my dad's point, he is poisoned."

As soon as Feng Xiao saw Qiao Tianchang's appearance, he understood. He immediately ordered his acupoint. Qiao mofeng took out a cloth bag, opened it, put it in his hand, took a silver needle and stabbed it on Qiao Tianchang's body. In a short time, all the big acupoints of his body were ordered. Then he was given some herbal medicine. After about a cup of tea, Qiao mofeng asked Feng Xiao to scratch Qiao Tianchang's wrist Kai, the purple black blood flowed out of his wound. He knew it turned red, so he stopped bleeding and bandaged him. However, although the poison had been relieved, he was still a little uneasy. He gave Qiao Tianchang an antidote of tea and tea, and then he was relieved after seeing that his face was calm and there was no abnormality.

"Dad, are you ok?"

Qiao Tianchang shakes his head. At that moment, he seems to know nothing at all. It's like turning into a machine without feelings. He also has a bloodthirsty impulse in his heart. If it wasn't for Qiao mofeng to find out in time, he would have caused a great disaster.