If someone else said it, Ning Mengyao would not believe it, but if it was Qiao moshang, it would be totally different. She believed what he said.

"My mother believes the little monkey, but she still worries." Ning Mengyao said with a helpless smile.

"Niang, there is my father and fengxiao Godfather. Now Nanyu has just gone. What are you worried about? And big brother. " Qiao moshang said to Ning Mengyao with a smile.

Ningmengyao takes a deep breath and nods. Now she can help Qiao Tianchang to take a good look at this place. Let him do other things without post valuation. Maybe this is the best support for him?

It took Nanyu only a day and a half to get to the place. As soon as he arrived, he grabbed Qiao Tianchang's arm and used Gu Wang to feel his body. Suddenly, his face changed and he urged Gu Wang. Qiao Tianchang's face became ferocious and his eyes flashed red light from time to time.

Ryan, they were scared at first sight.

"Fortunately, feng'er's way of dealing with it is right, otherwise you will become a killing machine now." Said Nan Yu solemnly.

When the people on the edge heard this, their faces immediately changed. Some of them couldn't believe looking at Nanyu: "are you right?"

"No." Nanyu shakes his head, urges Gu Wang to lead Gu, and looks at Qiao Tianchang's face. He is only a little anxious on his face, but there are no other problems. That's why he's relieved.

Soon Nan Yu cut Qiao Tianchang's wrist, and a bug with strange red light crawled out of his wound. At the same time, Nan Yu cut his wrist and introduced the bug into his body.

Then I gave the two big acupoints on my arm to the point, and watched the two protruding start-up movements on my arm. I didn't feel any pain at all.

It's not the first time they've seen such a scene, but every time they see it, they think it's very incredible. Even if they put two worms in their bodies to fight, he still stands here and looks at it very leisurely. What's the matter with this very strange visual sense?

After the bulges on Nanyu's arms disappeared, Lei An said, "what is this bug?"

"A kind of low-level insects can be raised by anyone who can raise them, but even this kind of insects is the most defensible. They are very small and have no extra difference from ordinary insects. But once they enter the human body, they will change from black to red, and this insect is like Don't poison to feed and grow up, so it's more tolerable than ordinary insects. It's also an upgraded version. " With Ning Mengyao getting along for a long time, some modern words can be quoted casually.

Qiao Tianchang looked at his wrist bandaged by Qiao mofeng, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "fortunately, I'm calling you, or I'll go back with something I shouldn't have."

"If it was then, it would have been a lot of trouble." Said Nan Yu in a deep voice.

At that time, the venom on the insect would permeate Qiao Tianchang's body, and it would be impossible to get rid of both things at that time.

"But I gave my father poison pills." Qiao Mo Feng frowns, is that pill useless?

"If it wasn't for Fenger's pill, the bug would not sleep in the eldest brother's body, but would be rampant in it." Nan Yu explained to some depressed Qiao mofeng.

Qiao Mo Feng looked at Nanyu in a dazed way: "it's OK."

Everyone thinks it's OK. Nanyu came in time, or it would be a big trouble.

"Take a break today, and let's go tomorrow. We must find out what these people want." Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed cold and his face was very ugly.


on the second day, there were more people going together, and fewer people left. They were still the same as last time. They went up in the evening. First, they went to the cave before. On the way to the house, when they passed by the house, Nan Yu felt a lot of worms, but they were all low-grade insect pests. Those women's bodies must be corpse melting insects, but they are upgraded corpse melting insects, not the ones that have been seen in the imperial palace of the state of Xiao before. If they are, these people can't walk like normal people at all.