Purple spirit some heart empty: "this is impossible."

Feng Shuo just smiled and didn't open his mouth. Instead, he followed Qiao Tianchang and left together. In fact, Xiao Yao'er is a very selfish person. As long as the people he cares about understand it, how does anyone else relate to her? It doesn't matter at all.

"Tell me clearly, what kind of eyes do you have?" Ziling can't stand the look in this man's eyes. What expression is it?

Feng Shuo didn't care about her, so he turned around and left. Ziling was unwilling, so he could only follow her.

When they got to the place, Ryan had some difficulties. They didn't know when they had fought with the people inside.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly, and jumped into the battle circle. Ziling looked at this scene in confusion, as if she saw the flying man in the air.

Just thinking about it, the people on the edge have all flown away. People have joined in the struggle. Ziling wipes his eyes and finds that he is not wrong.

"The ancient people's brain is really broad and profound. This kind of martial arts can be achieved. Is it against the sky?" Ziling looked at the people in front of him and whispered.

But it's amazing. I don't know how many times it's better than the martial arts TV series. Those are all steel wire hanging and imposing. But they are not at all. They just rely on their own abilities.

Nanyu took Qiao mofeng to deal with those people who were full of insects. As for other people, Qiao Tianchang and Feng Xiao were there, there was no need to worry.

Ziling looked at fengxiao in the fight. Her eyes were bright and her expression was very excited.

Even if he looks good, he is so powerful.

"Damn it, find a way to go." Said the leader in anger.

They didn't expect that they would be stared at by Joe Tianchang's people. There is absolutely no good result when they are stared at by his people, at least now they are.

Several years of hard work, at this moment destroyed.

"Want to go? It's not that easy. " Qiao Tianchang snorted coldly and stopped people. If you want to leave, ask them if they agree or not.

I feel the ruthlessness of the other side. It seems that I want to die with him. In a feint, I have come to the back of the other side and clasped his neck: "want to die with me? Do you have the skill? "


Joe Tianchang didn't give him a chance to talk. He broke his neck directly. He would know the things here sooner or later. Although this man knows a lot of things, he has a little bit. That's that his mouth is very hard and he can't say the answers he wants. In this case, he doesn't need to waste his time.

People died one by one in their hands, with a pungent stench on the edge. Soon Qiao Tianchang and others cleaned up the people together. Ziling looked at their killing like cutting melons and vegetables. Once again, she felt that the human life in this place was worthless. Although she was not a good person, she didn't kill like this.

"Are you killing too many people?" Ziling asked carefully.

No one paid any attention to him. Joe Tianchang looked at him lightly and said, "if you can't accept it, leave."

"You..." Ziling was so upset by his attitude. What does this person mean? She just asked casually. As for how to treat her like this?

"You know Yao Yao right, but it's nothing to do with me. My business is not up to you. Nanyu and Fenger have burned this place." Said Jo coldly.

"It's the boss."

"Dad, I know."

The two cooperated tacitly. Soon the place was surrounded by fire. Ziling saw that they not only killed people, but also set fire to the house. He thought that they were too much, and that they would lead the mountain.

"Are you going too far? There are trees everywhere. They will burn a mountain. "
