However, the accident happened. After the blood was integrated into her body, Ziling fainted directly.

In the past few days, Qingshuang is also kind to Ziling. Now, seeing that she fainted, she asked someone to help her to have a rest. However, half a quarter of an hour later, the person jumped up: "Qingshuang, come quickly, I have a way. Let's get the medicine and try my idea."

"Well, we'll try anyway."

"Is something wrong with you, Ziling?" Ning Mengyao looked at the two people worried and asked.

"No, after I tried this kind of poison, I had a little idea. I came to find some herbs to see if I could do it." Ziling said excitedly.

Ningmengyao looks at Ziling speechless, but has no choice: "how did you try your own medicine?"

"If you don't try, you can't analyze what's in it. You know my constitution. It's toxic. It's useless for me." She is a person with poison all over her body. How can she be afraid of these things?

"Well, be careful yourself." One drop of this man's blood can poison an elephant. She really doesn't have to worry about her.

"Don't worry. Let's go, Qingshuang. Hurry up." Purple spirit has a feeling that this kind of poison will change with time, so they must seize the time, or they will fall short.

Fortunately, all the things she needs can be found in the herbs Chen Feng sent, otherwise it's really troublesome.

With the help of Qingshuang and tea tea, Ziling quickly matched the medicine and looked at a seriously ill man beside him: "do you dare to try it?"


The man finished the medicine with a bowl on his head. After half an hour, his face was much better. It was not as ugly as it was just now. Ziling said happily: "it's really useful. Let's hurry up and all the people who will cook the medicine will come to help."

For a while, they were busy. For most of the time, they cooked dozens of pots of medicine. It made them happy that all the sick people had taken the medicine.

Now we are waiting for the people to get better, and many of them are better, but some of them are worse than others.

"Damn it, it's getting sick so soon. Let's go."

In the same way, Ziling tests the medicine, dispenses the medicine and Qingshuang. They take people to cook the medicine together. After two days of exposure, everyone's condition is stable.

Ningmengyao heard that everyone's illness was getting better, so she was relieved. After relaxing, she was hungry.

"Have someone prepare something to eat."

"It's Madame."

"Mengyao, are we going back?" Ziling shook her dizzy head and asked.

Suddenly there are several kinds of poisons in her body, which makes her uncomfortable. It takes a while to make a joke.

"Are you ok?" Looking at Ziling, Ning Mengyao asked a little worried.

"I'm sure I'm ok. Who am I? You don't know me yet? It's just that I'm too full to eat. I need to have a rest and digest all the poison. " Purple Spirit said with a smile.

When they were talking, all the people who were getting better because of their illness came to kneel on the ground: "thank you, your highness, thank you, madam, thank you, and thank you all for saving our lives. Thank you for not giving up on us."

When they were seriously ill, they thought that they must be dead, and the fact is the same. If they were changed, they would have let themselves die long ago, but they didn't, and they have been trying to find a way to deal with them and not let any one of them have an accident.

"That's all we have to do. Get up." Ning Mengyao takes a look at Xiao Mu, and Xiao Mu immediately understands. She quickly goes up and says.

The words that Xiao Mu said before will not let any of them die have been spread among the people.

Chen Feng looks at Xiao Mu like this and nods his head with satisfaction. Even the accompanying royal doctor nods his head with satisfaction. It's their honor to have such a prince.