Doudou is a little lost, but he also knows that it's dangerous for his sister to stay, so he seriously said, "I will study martial arts hard and protect my mother and sugar together with my father and brother in the future."

"Well, Dad believes in Doudou." Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched his son's small head, and said with a smile.

Doudou laughs happily. Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang, so she just coaxes Doudou. It's a big surprise. She needs some time to coax Doudou. Is that the topic that can be understood between father and son?

However, hearing Doudou say she wants to protect her, her heart is warm and satisfied.

As expected, it was different from what Qiao Tianchang said. The whole city began to search for the so-called spy from the next day. Because the people suffered a lot this time, every family cooperated with Qiao Tianchang very much. They wanted to find out the man quickly. They were always afraid of saving.

"The general has begun his search, and soon you will not be able to escape." In the middle of a small yard, a woman said fiercely.

"Shut up, you will die, even if we die."

The old man beside sneered: "so what? Even if we have to die, the general will avenge us. "

They believed that the general would avenge them, even if he died, so what?

"At a loss." Said the man sitting on it, gnashing his teeth.

These people are really the stones in the pit, smelly and hard.

The old man and the old woman were slapped by each of them. They didn't come. Everyone left before they died.

"Let's go quickly, or these two old men will be bad." Those caught by Qiao Tianchang don't know that they have killed his parents. They don't worry about being betrayed. After all, dead people can't talk.

When Qiao Tianchang brought people over, he saw two people lying on the ground. He quickly took out the pill and put one into it. The old woman suddenly opened her eyes: "general is our family I'm sorry, general I'm sorry for the people in the border city. This This is me From that man, I hope it's right To the general Some use. "

Qiao Tianchang looked at the token in the old woman's hand, his eyes narrowed slightly: "don't talk so much, I'll send you and uncle to treat, you, send uncle to the general's house, madam knows how to arrange."

"It's the general."

Lei'an stands beside Qiao Tianchang: "the token of boss......"

"Well, needless to say, let's go. They can't go far."

Ryan's heart was a little complicated, and then nodded, "OK."

Ning Mengyao looks at the two people who are brought back. She quickly asks someone to treat them, and the one who is locked in prison is brought by their son.

When they were brought here, they saw that their parents were like this. Their hearts ached. They said they would take good care of their parents. Why.

"Now what? We're a little late? "

"To catch Qiao Molin, as long as we catch people, we are not afraid of their husband and wife's intransigence." One of them said bitterly.

"OK, let's go." They left quickly and went to Doudou's yard.

"You come..." Doudou, who is practising Chinese characters, fainted before he finished speaking. One of them killed all the people in Doudou yard, and then they left with Doudou in their arms.

As soon as Qiao Tianchang went back to the mansion, he smelled the bloody smell. His face changed. He followed the smell to Doudou's yard and found that all the people in his yard were dead, killed or poisoned.

Push the door to enter the room. There are unfinished words on the table. The brush also falls on the ground. The ink stains the floor black.

"Is Tianchang Doudou captured?" Ning Mengyao hurriedly ran over and asked anxiously.

Qiao Tianchang nodded. His face was very ugly. Damn it, Doudou would be OK, or he would let them die.