When Ning Mengyao came over, they saw this scene. Ning Mengyao had scarlet eyes, took the bow in lei'an's hand, and took four arrows in his hand. He used his internal power to shoot them out. At the same time, a good bow broke at the same time, and the bowstring bounced and scratched Ning Ning Mengyao's face.

Three of the four arrows killed people at the same time, but Wu Chong was only seriously injured. Because the distance was too far, he was run away.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wu Chong who is taken away by others with cold eyes. As long as she hasn't returned to the desert, she can find people, and dig three feet to find people.

"Nan Yu will take Tian Chang back. Lei An, you will take Doudou back." Ningmengyao soon gave her husband and children to someone else. She looked at the place where Wu Chong fled.

"That sister-in-law you..."

"I have something else to do. Tianchang can't be delayed here. Hurry up and hurt Tianchang. Anyone who tries to move my son's mind will die." Ning Mengyao takes out a signal bomb and releases it.

After lei'an and them left, dozens of men in purple appeared around Ning Mengyao, each with a strange mask on his face. If they saw lei'an, they would lift it very strangely.

"If you find Wu Chong, you will not die."


After people left, Ning Mengyao's eyes were full of storms. What was Wu Ziyun doing, or did he think that Wu came back, and they would help him deal with them? It doesn't need to be charged with killing a brother. OK, it's really good.

Wu Ziyun is so kind as to dare to calculate them.

When Ning Mengyao returned to the mansion, Qingshuang was pulling the arrow for Qiao Tianchang. Doudou was standing on one side, tears were falling down. Her eyes were full of fear and fear, but she could not help crying.

"Mom, dad will be OK, right?" Guoguo sees Ning Mengyao rush over and looks forward to her. Her eyes are full of expectation.

Ningmengyao smiled and nodded, reached out and rubbed the small head melon seeds of the fruit: "don't worry, they will be ok with you, aunt Qingshuang." Of course, I won't let him have anything to do. This is what Ning Mengyao said in her heart.

Qiao moshang ran back from the training ground immediately after learning that Qiao Tianchang was injured, and looked at a basin of black blood to bring out, Qiao moshang felt his legs were soft.


"Don't worry, little monkey. It will be OK." Ziling is also in it. She believes it will be OK.

Just thinking about it, Ziling has come out of it and looks at Ning Mengyao angrily: "how much does the other side want your man to die? This kind of poison is too domineering. Even if it is detoxified later, it will take a lot of time to recover. Don't worry, he will be OK. "

Ning Mengyao looked at Ziling gratefully: "Ziling thank you."

"That's enough for you. What do you say? We are friends. I hope your man will be OK. When he is OK, you will be OK." Ziling stares at Ning Mengyao, though she speaks seriously.

Seeing this, Ning Mengyao's heart was warm: "thank you, Ziling."

"I'll be angry if you say thank you."

"Well, I won't say."

"It's almost the same. I have to go to have a rest first. It's too poisonous to eat. There's Qingshuang and Nanyu in it. There are two little guys, Mo Feng and cha cha. Although they don't get home with the poison, their medical skills are very good." In the eyes of Ziling, their two abilities of using poison can't be on the table.

"Well, you go."

After Ziling left, fengxiao looked at Ning Mengyao curiously and asked, "what kind of person is your friend?"

"She is a person who loves poison. Her body is poisoned now. I don't know how to tell you specifically." Ziling's story is simple, but it's also very complicated.

Feng Xiao picked up her eyebrows and looked at Ning Mengyao, with a funny look in her eyes: "OK, I won't ask you."

Ningmengyao nodded and looked into the room. After about two hours, Qingshuang came out tired.