Jomo Shang reached for his chin and nodded seriously: "well, if it's beheaded, it's pathetic. It's not even a whole body."

"That's right. It's frightening."

The children's singing and singing really made the people in the room shocked. The eyes of the people on the side jumped tightly. Their eldest son was so powerful. In a few simple words, they scared people into this way. Looking at them like this, he thought, it will not take long, and it will definitely get the result he wants.

Isn't that right? They are afraid of beheading. This is just a few ordinary people. In ordinary days, they know how to cheat and how to do things well. This person will become like this, which is also self seeking.

"We We said that they let us do it. It has nothing to do with us. Really, they gave us money, so So... " A few people prevaricate to say things out, so simple to set out the words, Qiao moshang feel no meaning.

"Let's go." Jomo Shang took a look at them and didn't worry that these people would cheat them. Seeing them like this, he knew it was impossible.

"Young master, we have said all we know. When can we go back?" One of them asked cautiously.

Jomo Shang was amused by his question: "want to go back? Maybe you have to wait. I don't have time to take care of you now. I'll take care of you. I've lost a hair. Let's ask you. "

"Two less."

"Joe Tianchang's son? It's good, it's really good. It's like your father at the beginning. " When Jomo Shang was ready to take people away, a voice rang from the side.

Jomo Shang's footsteps stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he walked towards the place where the sound sounded.

When I got to the innermost place, I finally saw a man, who was chained to his limbs, sitting on the ground with his knees crossed. His hair was very messy, but his eyes were frightening.

Jomo Shang looks at the people inside: "do you know my father?"

"Know, how can not know, I was locked in this place for more than ten years, but not thanks to him?" The man laughed, and the laughter was harsh.

They could not help but cover their ears. Their eyes were red with pain.

"It's no wonder my father caught you here and shut you up. For a person like you, it's right to shut you down. Even children bully you. You don't need to be shameful." Jomo sad cold hum, very ironic said.

"Boy, are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid to die. You can kill me. Will you stay in this dark cell for such a long time? Ah, let me see. Your martial arts may be half abandoned, right? Otherwise you would have been free. " Jomo Shang said frankly, but he didn't like what he said, especially the people in the cell.


"Shhh, you can be excited. If you get angry at that time, it will be my fault." Jomo Shang said with a smile.

"Boy, you want to die."

"I want to die? Then we'll see who we're after. " Jomo shangleng snorted. He happened to need someone to practice. He looks good. He's a good target.

The people inside looked at Qiao moshang in surprise. The expression on his face was a little twisted. With his somewhat embarrassed appearance, it seemed a little ferocious.

"Open the door."

"But two little......"

"Brother Shang is very dangerous. You can't take risks." Xiao Mu on the side of them are very disagreeable to see Qiao Mo Shang, not to let them go inside to find trouble.

Jomo Shang shook his head: "don't worry, I will be OK."


"Open the door." Jomo said coldly.

"Boy, you are really looking for death." The people inside didn't expect that Jomo Shang would make such a crazy move. Is this an eight year old? He is so arrogant, Joe Tianchang knows?

The people on the side have a headache. But under the pressure of Jomo Shang, they can only open the door obediently. After opening the door, they go to their parents. If this young man has an accident here, they will lose their job.