"What's the matter this is?"

"Mom, give it to me." I didn't think before, but now Jomo Shang feels that there are thousands of layers of gooseflesh on his body.

"Green bamboo."

Green bamboo quickly took out two pieces of fragrant pancreates they made. Qiao moshang ran away as soon as he got them. That speed made Ning Mengyao couldn't help but gasping.

"What's the matter with him? Nobody's after him, either? What's he doing? He's wet as if he's rolling in the water. " Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

Qiao Tianchang couldn't help laughing: "he didn't roll one circle, he rolled several circles." Qiao Tianchang talked to Ning Mengyao about it. After hearing it, Ning Mengyao was speechless. No wonder he began to find a bath as soon as he came back. I'm afraid that his patience has reached the limit.

"It's hard for him." Ning Mengyao said jokingly.

It's good for a person who has a habit of cleanliness to have close contact with a person who has been in a dark place for more than ten years. He only broke out now.

Qiao Tianchang also smiled and nodded. After being brought by Lei An, Jiang Ying was directly thrown into the tub. He was clearly repudiated.

When Qiao Mo Shang came out, the skin on his face was a little red, even on his hands. I didn't know how much strength he used to wash himself like this.

"Is it so cruel to yourself? See if it can be eaten directly with seasoning. " Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao moshang and said jokingly.


"Well, I won't say."

"My mother left that man as my partner." Jomo Shang's eyes brightened and said that this man's actual combat experience is very good. After he learns all his skills, his actual combat experience will become stronger.

"Just be happy."

"Thank you, ma'am."

When Jiang Ying knew it, he was sure about it, and he was angry: "I didn't agree."

Qiao Mo Shang despised him and said: "I didn't dislike you, you still dislike me?"

Ning Mengyao smiled at Jiang Ying and said with a smile: "you can try to go out here. If you can go out unharmed, I'll let you go. If you can't, I'll stay here as my son's partner, OK?"

Jiang Ying looks at Ning Mengyao and thinks about it. Then he says, "Qiao Tianchang can't do it."

"It's natural." Ning Mengyao smiled.

He's still hurt. He won't let him do it.

"Because Tianchang doesn't do anything, your opponent It's me. As long as you can get out of my hands and go out of the general's office, I'll let you go. "

"What did you say? You say you? Are you kidding? " Jiang Ying digs his ears and thinks he's wrong.

"I don't joke with strangers. If my son didn't want you to practice with him, I wouldn't agree with you." Said Ning Mengyao in a cold voice.

"Well, that's what you said." After saying that, he dodged and left with his lightness skill. Ning Mengyao was not in a hurry at all. The people beside him were not in a hurry. When it was almost time, Ning Mengyao finally moved.

After Jiang Ying thought he could leave so simply, Ning Mengyao's voice suddenly sounded on his side: "what are you looking at?"

Jiang Ying was scared and jumped to the side: "how can you be here?"

"I'm not here. Where am I?" Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Jiang Ying doesn't believe in this evil. He wants to break through, but he can't break through no matter how he moves. He looks up at Ning Mengyao and says, "you know martial arts?"

"I didn't say I would not." Ning Mengyao said innocently.

Jiang Ying's face became solemn. The woman's martial arts were not bad, and she was probably even higher than him.

Think of the eyes a cold: "you take me as an idiot, right?"


"Sure enough, every family is a virtue. I can't stay, but I have to say first. I won't be merciful." Jiang Ying snorted.

Ning Mengyao glanced at Jiang Ying and said, "don't worry, you are merciful. You will lose in the end. How come you haven't found this result today?"