After Wu Ziyun left the general's office, he went to find a restaurant to live in. He didn't believe the matter of sugar and sugar leaving at all.

"Your Highness, do you think Miss Tangtang has not left?" Wu Xuan asked after Wu Ziyun.

Wu Ziyun nodded, "yes, since they know what I mean, they won't let me see sugar."

From the interest of Tangtang in the desert, he has the confidence to let Tangtang go to the desert with him. As long as Tangtang goes, he doesn't believe that there is no way for Tangtang to stay actively.

However, Wu Xuan didn't think they were lying: "but master, I think what they said is true. If Miss Tangtang isn't there, they don't have to cheat us like this."

Wu Ziyun shook his head: "you don't understand. They have guessed my mind. They won't let me see sugar. They are worried about what I will do to sugar."

He is right with his purpose, but he really likes sugar, so he must bring it back to the desert, no matter what the price.

Wu Xuan looks at his highness and can't help but have a headache. Does your highness understand what he wants to say? The people of their family don't want miss Tangtang to approach his highness at all, and the purpose is because of his Highness's calculation of Miss Tangtang. But now Your Highness has such a mind. I'm afraid those two may not be willing to help them.

"Your Highness, however, if you do, they will probably not cooperate with us again. What will the people of the desert do then?" Their life is getting better now. Is it hard to get back to the original shape because of the idea of the master?

Wu Ziyun gave Wu Xuan a cold look and said with cold eyes, "Wu Xuan, my business is not up to you to interrupt."

Wu Xuan had no choice but to nod.

From that day on, Wu Ziyun didn't go to the general's office, but he still knew something about the general's office, but it was only limited to what they wanted to let people know.

He has a big headache about it. Is that really the case? And that must be something he didn't want to see.

After staying for a while, Wu Ziyun found that Tangtang had really left, and had left half a month before he arrived here. Ning Mengyao and his friends had not cheated him.

"Since your highness Miss Tangtang has left, let's..."

"Go back." Wu Ziyun said with a frown.

Are they really so cruel? I even let sugar leave here. I don't know where.

When Wu Ziyun's master and servant left the border city, Qiao Tianchang knew that his eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that the border city needs to be cleaned up again.

Wu Ziyun can know about Tangtang's return. There must be someone here.

"What is Tianchang thinking?"

"I'm thinking that some people can't let it go." Joe Tianchang said meaningfully.

Ningmengyao knew what it meant as soon as she heard it. She nodded, "you're right."

Qiao moshang is now disgusted with Wu Ziyun to the extreme. He really dares to say. No, he should not only dare to say, but also dare to do.

He is sure that if the sugar is at home, the man can take it away, and after taking it away, he will not let it back.

"OK, little monkey, don't affect his life because of such things." Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao moshang and said with a smile.

"But Niang, I don't like Wu Ziyun."

"No one in our family likes him, not to mention you, but we all don't like him, but we won't meet too many in the future, so don't care." Ningmengyao patted her son on the shoulder. As long as this man doesn't bother them again, it's OK. If he does, don't blame her for being cruel.

Qiao moshang thought about it carefully, and thought that what Ning Mengyao said was also very reasonable, so he nodded: "Mom, I know."

Wu Ziyun's arrival made Qiao moshang in a very bad mood. Although Doudou didn't say anything, he knew that he was angry just by looking at his lips.

"When can I start learning, Grandpa nine?" He is practicing piano now, and there is not much time for him to really learn voice attack.

Jiuyin looks at Doudou and says, "what's the matter? Want to protect sugar? "