Purple spirit White River shadow one eye, speechless shake head, it is a person who is cheated by her appearance again.

The next morning, Ning Mengyao and their children and friends went out of the city to enjoy the scenery of the border city.

Along the way, Doudou takes the jade flute that Jiuyin made for him not long ago and blows it.

Although some of them are not very familiar with each other, some of them are not familiar with each other, but they are very good for Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao listened to his son's Xiao sound, with a thick smile on his face, took the Qin Qiao Tianchang handed over and played with his rhythm. The combination of the mother and son's Qin and Xiao made all present hear the deep intimacy and happiness in it.

Tea and tea sat in Qiao Mo Feng's life, eyes shining, said: "Mo, aunt is so powerful."

In the eyes of tea and tea, Ning Mengyao can do almost anything. People are beautiful and have a very good character. Such people are what she adores and like to become so excellent one day.

How could Joe mofeng not understand the idea of tea? He looked at the tea funny: "my mother is very good, but you don't see her confused side."

Ningmengyao is very perfect in many times. People can't help thinking about what such a person can't do. But in front of his father, his mother sometimes looks like a child, and he will become very confused, but his father is a natural look.

"She's just like that in front of your father." Feng Xiao jokingly said that he was very interested in getting along with the couple.

"Yes, that's what my father said. You will find that my mother is just an ordinary person after a long time of contact."

"Well, I know that, but I still think she's really good." Of course, tea and tea know what they mean, but I still think ningmengyao is very powerful.

Ningmengyao, who rode with Qiao Tianchang in front of her, was interested in seeing the beautiful scenery of the border city.

Such a vast grassland, she had seen in Mongolia, after coming here, really rarely seen.

Although she has been here for more than half a year, she has been busy and really hasn't come out to play.

After living together for so many years, Qiao Tianchang didn't know what Ning Mengyao meant. The whip in his hand hit the horse: "drive."

The horse neighs and runs forward quickly. The abandoned Feng Xiao and others hear Ning Mengyao's laughter.

"The wayward couple." Feng Xiao looks at the two people running in front of him and makes a sound.

They can live recklessly, but they are willing to stay here, maybe for Xiao Qitian or for Xiao Mu, but he thinks, more for themselves.

Looking at them like this, he suddenly understood why they had to stay here.

In fact, stay here, they are the most wanton bar.

In the border town, it can be said that it is Qiao Tianchang's territory. As long as they don't do anything harmful to Xiao country, they can have a natural and unrestrained life here.

Qiao moshang and Doudou are looking at Qiao Tianchang and both of them. They are happy, happy and have a good relationship with their parents, which is also a kind of enjoyment for them.

Ziling suddenly sees that Ning Mengyao is envious and jealous, and also understands why Ning Mengyao would choose Qiao Tianchang. Such a man is really worth trusting for life.

"Let's go out when Tianchang has time." Ning Mengyao immediately turned around and said loudly in Qiao Tianchang's ear.

After she came out, she knew that the scenery of the border city was so beautiful, so quiet and beautiful, which made her feel that it was a very good thing to guard this place here.

"Well, you'll be happy."

Yu Feng watched Ning Mengyao's husband and wife Tut and said, "I'm showing my love again."

"Show love and share fast." Murmured Ziling.

"You'd better not say this in front of Tianchang, or you will..." Fengxiao looks at Ziling and makes a movement of wiping his neck. They wish they were together for the rest of their lives. But this person says something like this, typical of beating.