When they went back, Ning Mengyao was surrounded by the bodies of wolves, and her face was covered with blood. She stood there with snow falling sword, her expression remained unchanged, even very cold.

"Yao Yao." Qiao Tianchang hurriedly passed by, but before he reached Qiao Tianchang's side, he was stopped because Ning Mengyao even drew his sword at him.

As soon as Jiuyin's face changed, he listened to the sound of Xiao in the distance. His face suddenly became cold: "Doudou, give me your Xiao."

Doudou hands over his Xiao in a hurry. After Jiuyin gets it, he blows it up. His voice is melodious and gentle, and ningmengyao's movements become rigid.

It is also such a moment that Ning Mengyao suddenly opens her eyes and restores some peace in them.

"It's so nice to want to control me." Ning Mengyao said coldly.

The most unforgivable thing is that they want him to kill Tianchang, which is unforgivable.

"Are you OK Yao Yao?"

"It's OK. I just heard a voice, and then I kept telling me to kill him and kill him." Ning Mengyao shook her head and said.

Doudou suddenly looked at the two people and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm in that place. Grandpa Jiu has dragged me down. Go, it's two or three miles away."

Ningmengyao and his wife looked at each other and disappeared at the same time. However, before they arrived, they had already left, leaving only the smell of blood around them and the traces of blood on the ground.

"I ran away, but it seems that I was hurt by Uncle Jiu."

"Well, let's go back." No one can be found now, and they have no choice but to leave here.

When they went back, Jiuyin was looking at that direction and didn't know what they were thinking.

"Thank you, uncle Jiu." Ning Mengyao looks at Jiuyin's heartfelt thanks.

Jiuyin shook his head: "you are Doudou's father and mother. You are welcome, but you should be careful. Although I hurt people, they are not good at coming."

Qiao Tianchang nodded, and his face was very ugly: "thank you for reminding me. We know. Let's go back first."

Because they didn't want to go back slowly, but they went back to the border city quickly. After going back, Qiao Tianchang went to the study. At the same time, lei'an and them also went to the general's house very quickly. Several people had a long talk inside and left.

Doudou looks at Jiuyin: "do you know who the man is, Grandpa Jiu?"

"I'm not sure." Jiuyin shook his head and said.

If he remembers correctly, all the people who attack the door with sound have disappeared. Even if someone is still alive, he has no such strength. So he is not sure whether the person who attacks the door with sound is the one who attacks the door with sound.

"Well, I see." He also went to seek medical treatment in disorder. He really thought grandpa Jiu was omniscient and omniscient.

Jiuyin looks at Doudou and whispers, "Doudou, if you want to protect your family, let yourself grow up. You have talent. What you lack now is time."

Doudou's talent is the best one he has ever seen. Give him time, he will be able to grow to another height, but now they don't have that time.

Doudou nodded seriously: "don't worry, Grandpa. I will try my best."

Nine sound happily nods: "good, you want to learn, Grandpa will teach you, as long as you want to learn, Grandpa will."

"Thank you Grandpa."

Being ambushed, Ning Mengyao is also very angry. He mobilizes people from tongbaozhai to send this matter, but he has no eyes and eyebrows. He knows nothing except that the other party can attack with sound, which is the most terrible.

"Xiaoyao, who do you think this time is for?" Yu Feng sat opposite Ning Mengyao and asked.

Ningmengyao shook her head: "it's not very clear. These people seem to come to us, but they don't."

"What do you say?"

"I feel that I was controlled by that voice at that time. I have a feeling that the purpose of that person is not to let me kill Tianchang, but Tianchang just opened up at that time, so I will do something to him." Ningmengyao carefully recalled the feeling before.

Yu Feng reached out and rubbed his chin, frowned and said, "then you mean that the other side spent so much chips for the middle of us?"