After Qiao mofeng left, Qiao Tianchang turned around and looked at the dim Jiang Ying. His eyes were full of disgust, so it was easy to be calculated. How can he teach Shanger in the future?

After staying in the room for a long time, Qiao Tianchang left. After leaving, he went back to the room. When he went back, Ning Mengyao was still sleeping in the face, and the exposed neck was red.

Go to the bedside and sit down. Reach out and take the person who is still sleeping into his arms. "It's time to get up."

Ningmengyao is sleeping in a daze. When she hears it, someone is talking. Subconsciously, she buries her head and wants to forget the annoying voice.

Looking at her lovely appearance, Joe Tianchang's mood is inexplicably better.

"Yao Yao, it's time for you to get up. You've been sleeping all day." Although there is his reason in the middle, he doesn't regret it. Who let the girl know to make him angry?

Ningmengyao opened his dim eyes, looked around, and then looked at Qiao Tianchang. He asked vaguely, "when is it now?"

"It's late. It's getting dark." Qiao Tianchang said as he put his hand in the quilt to massage her.

It's getting dark It's dark... This next Ning Mengyao's face changed: "why don't you call me?"

"What do I ask you to do? Even if I call you, can you get up?" Qiao Tianchang reached ningmengyao's ear and said vaguely.

"I You... Qiao Tianchang. " Ningmengyao's heart was angry. He just got cheap and sold himself. What he did now, he still came to show off.

"Well, don't be angry. I made you something to eat. You can eat it when you get up." Joe Tianchang is just annoying people, and he begins to follow them slowly.

He glared at Qiao Tianchang fiercely. Ning Mengyao said with clenched teeth, "don't think I won't be angry."

"Shouldn't I be angry?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao innocently and asks curiously.

White Joe Tianchang a look, this person is intentional at all, know oneself is not that meaning, but unexpectedly return so.

She is so angry. She believes that if she goes out, she will have no face to see others.

"It's all your fault. I have no face to see anyone." Ning Mengyao was angry, but he took Qiao Tianchang's neck and bit him hard. He didn't let go until he bit out a tooth mark.

Qiao Tianchang allows Ning Mengyao to bite himself. After he looses his grip, he laughingly asks, "satisfied?"


"If you're not satisfied, let's have another bite?" This time Joe Tianchang took the initiative to get in and let him bite.

But Ning Mengyao despised and pushed people away: "who wants to bite you? The skin is so thick." Ning Mengyao said not very angry.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and pinched Ning Mengyao's face. He bit his teeth and said, "do you still dislike me for biting me?"

"I don't like you."

When Qiao Tianchang threw the man down on the bed, suddenly came the joking voice of Yufeng: "Xiaoyao, you've been sleeping all day, don't you remember?"

Ningmengyao's face turns red. It's like doing something bad. It's just like being found out by others. He can't be guilty.

"Not yet."

Qiao Tianchang frowns discontentedly but finally gets up to take the clothes for ningmengyao. When she is dressing, Qiao Tianchang opens the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course, I'm here to care about Xiaoyao. After all, some people are animals, don't you think?" Yufeng looks at the bite mark on Qiao Tianchang's neck. It's just a bite. What's wrong with them?

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "you're right. I'll tell sister Mei that some people are dissatisfied with their desires, so I'll run to the door of her sister's room to add a block. Otherwise, by the way, some people want to climb the wall."

"My God, Joe Tianchang, you dare." I know this guy's play is not good.

"You see, I dare not." Qiao Tianchang looks at Yufeng in a cool way. He has nothing to do at all. Since he is so idle, he should find something to do.

Yufeng's mouth slightly twitches. This guy will die if he doesn't play cool?

"You can think I haven't been here, when I haven't said anything." Yufeng made a surrender.

"I'm not blind."