Ning Mengyao looks at her with a kind of eyes that you want to do, and suddenly there is no words: "what eyes are you? It's like I'm going to give you something. " Ning Mengyao murmured discontentedly.

Yu Feng reached out his hand and rubbed his forehead: "there are few places for you to pit us?"

Ningmengyao is choked by the wind: "how can I pit you?"

"Are you happy to say that? Do you want us to count in detail what you have done? Do you think it's ok? " Muchen asked with a smile.

Ning Mengyao quickly made a silent action: "I Shall I say nothing? "

Not very angry saw Ning Mengyao one eye, Mu Chen they open mouth: "say, you want to let us do again this time what?"

"In fact, nothing is..."

After listening to Ning Mengyao's words, everyone's eyes are on her, and they look at her with a very strange eyes. Is she really nothing? Is it true that they didn't get hurt?

Well, it's true that there is no pit for them, but Yuejia will suffer a lot from her.

"You're trying to teach those people who were rude before the moon family?" Yu Feng asked curiously.

Ningmengyao didn't take a good look at Yufeng: "I said brother-in-law, do you think I'm such a boring person?"

Yufeng nodded solemnly: "I think you are such a boring person, and still very boring."

"Brother in law..."

"Well, I won't say. Tianchang is not at home. You'll start to beat us. You're really our good sister." Want to resist the wind gnashing teeth said.

"I didn't toss you either. I just let you exercise a little. What's tossing? Brother in law, what you said is terrible." Ningmengyao would not like it. How can this be so unpleasant? I'm not comfortable at all.

Ignoring some annoying Ning Mengyao, she turned around and walked away. The reason was very good. She had to go to help her. What she said left her no room for refutation.

Ningmengyao silly to see them leave the back, reached out to touch his face, can't he now really have so annoying ah? She was treated like this.

When Ning Mengyao was depressed, Yufeng didn't slack off either. They arranged the things that Ning Mengyao asked him to do well.

Yuehua and his party have been waiting in the border city for about five or six days. During this time, Yuehua comes to visit every day, but they are blocked by the green bamboo. Yuehua has no opinion on this, but those who follow have some big opinions.

"Even if you want to put on airs for us, isn't it too big? How many days have we been waiting? They still don't want to see us. When do we have to wait for that? " After returning to the tavern, some people were very unconvinced and said angrily.

"That's right, young master. Although our Yue family is not a big family, it's also a famous family, right? They... How can they do this to us? "

With the first opening, there will be the second one. Now everyone's mind is like this. They all think that ningmengyao doesn't show them any good looks. They are just like fools. They still have to wait here. Why?

"Enough, let's not talk about these words any more. If tongbaozhai can suppress the power, Yuejia is nothing. On the contrary, if tongbaozhai can support Yuejia, it will be better than now." Yuehua interrupts them and says coldly.

At this time, they can't be in a hurry. If they are in a hurry, they will be the only ones to suffer.

"Support us? Young master, are you kidding us? How could tongbaozhai support us? " People on the edge think that Yuehua is in a fantasy. If this person doesn't deal with them, how can he support them.

"In the end, no one knows what will happen in the next moment. Our main thing now is to have a good relationship with tongbaozhai. I can wait for this time."