Yufeng feels that he shouldn't have said such a thing. It's just carrying stones to smash his feet. It's still him who hurts.

"When did I say that? Where do you see that I'm jealous of you? "

"I see it in both eyes." Ning Mengyao pointed her cheek with one hand and said very seriously.

"Well, that's enough for you." Yufeng doesn't take a good look at Ning Mengyao. You said that this girl used to be very good. Why are you getting thicker now.

Muchen sat on the edge and watched two people quarrel. When they quarreled almost, she said, "are you finished? If the quarrel is over, should we do something serious? "

"Don't be so nervous in the morning. See Yuehua in three days. Of course, only if they don't say anything that makes me feel bad, or I may change my time." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

"How could they have no temper after so many days? But it's also good to be able to suppress their anger and deal with the trouble when it's time to save. " Muchen nodded, and thought that her way was also very good.

After being scolded by Yuehua, what else dare Yuejia people say? Of course not.

So three days later, Yuehua came to visit and finally entered the gate of the general's mansion.

"Please, my wife is waiting for you." Green bamboo smiled at them and said, the expression on his face is very flawless, he can't find any mistakes, but he is polite and alienated, so people can't pick out if they want to provoke.

After a while, Yuehua was taken to the front hall. When he got there, only Ning Mengyao and Yufeng were there, but no one else was there.

"Yuehua has seen you, Ning Ge master."

"Young master Yue is very polite. Please take a seat." Ning Mengyao pointed to the seat beside her finger and said casually.

Young master Yue politely thanked him and then said, "I've always wanted to see the real face of Lord Ning. I didn't expect to see you today. It's very different from the hearsay."

"Oh? What's different? Do you think my shelf is too big or something? "

"Not at all. I just feel that the Lord Ning is not so superior, but rather very approachable." Yuehua said with a smile.

"It's still approachable? If we were really approachable, we wouldn't have to wait that long. " This Ning Mengyao hasn't spoken yet, and the people around Yuehua have already spoken, and the words made Yuehua's face change, and it also became very ugly.

"Have you said enough?"

"We're not wrong."

Ning Mengyao looked at these people of the moon family with one hand on her chin and a smile on her face. She said seriously, "if I had known you were this attitude, I would have let you wait."

"Originally, I was going to see you five or six days ago, but it's a pity that I heard something that didn't make me very happy. If you think I have a big shelf or something, you can leave here. No one will stop you from going. The gate is right behind. You can turn around and leave."

"Lord Ning misunderstood, we didn't mean that." Yuehua stares at the person on the edge and says in a hurry.

"You don't mean that. I believe it. It's just these people, but let it go." Ningmengyao gently shook her head, very casually said.


"Let these people out. I have a pain in my eyes." If Ning Mengyao plans to go to Yuehua, he directly orders people around him.

"You go out and wait for me first." Yuehua brick said.

"But young master..."

"I'll let you out." Yuehua stares at them and says angrily, he almost broke his good deeds just now. What else do you want to do now?

Although they were unwilling, they left the general's mansion one after another.

After waiting for someone to leave, Ning Mengyao looks at Yuehua, and the expression on her face is different from that just now: "I understand your intention, but first look at this."

Ningmengyao hands Yuehua a stack of information. Yuehua takes it over and looks at it. After reading it, her face suddenly changes: "I don't know about the Lord of the pavilion."