Wu Ziyun looks at Jin Lei like this, and smiles a little: "I don't want to do anything, just remind you that you don't want to leave at this time. Once you get involved and want to leave, that's delusion."

"You..." Jin Lei didn't expect that it was just greedy at the beginning, but now it's like this.

"Jin Lei, you have offended them. Do you think they will let you go?" What kind of people Qiao Tianchang and his wife are? They know better than him.

Jin Lei didn't speak, but he knew that what Wu Ziyun said was true. Qiao Tianchang and his wife will not let him go.

What's more, he got the news before. His brother-in-law's son has just been to the border town some time ago. He doesn't have to guess what he's going to do.

He must have reached an agreement with Qiao Tianchang and his wife. Otherwise, he would not have made such a big move when he came back.

Since Yuehua came back, he began to deal with the people in his family. Those who were bought by him were replaced. The reason was that they embezzled the money in the shop. Only he knew whether it was like this or not.

Over the years, he has also benefited a lot from these stores in Yuejia.

Wu Ziyun sat on one side, not disturbing Jin Lei, but looking at the constantly changing expression on his face and feeling very interesting.

A 14-year-old boy just sat there and watched Jin Lei's face change. He thought it was very interesting and fun.

"What do you want me to do?" Jin Lei suddenly looked at Wu Ziyun and asked.

Wu Ziyun finally smiled contentedly, with a kind of expression on his face, which had changed the expression on his face.

"I don't want you to do anything, just let you help me hold Qiao Tianchang and his wife for a while. It won't take long, it will be good for a while." Wu Ziyun looked at him very seriously and said.

"What are you going to do?" Asked Jin Lei with great suspicion.

"That's not what you should ask. You just need to help me to get people around for a while, that's enough."

Jin Lei didn't want to get involved. His intuition told him that there would be no good.

"Don't try to think about not participating in such a thing, Jin Lei said Wu Ziyun looked at Jin Lei's frown, as if he didn't want to participate. He smiled coldly, sarcastically.

Jin Lei didn't speak, just looked at him and said coldly, "last time."

Wu Ziyun didn't speak, watching Jin Lei leave, for the last time? It was indeed the last time that they left, the day when Jin Lei was going to die.

When Jin Lei came to see Wu Ziyun, Ning Mengyao knew it very quickly, but what they talked about was not very clear.

"At this time, Wu Ziyun also went to see Jin Lei. Did Tianchang reach any deal between them?" Ning Mengyao frowned and worried.

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao with a light smile, reached out and nodded her forehead: "why do you like to worry so much? It will be OK. What else can he do?" Some things he didn't tell Ning Mengyao were about the border city.

Wu Ziyun didn't bring only these people. He also brought people here. As for those people, they are now in the border city.

It's intriguing that he took people with him and put them in the border city.

"I hope so. I'm not going to continue playing with Jin Lei." Ning Mengyao said directly.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well, I haven't thought about it yet. Let's talk about it later." Ning Mengyao thought about it, and didn't know how to deal with Jin Lei for the time being.

Qiao Tianchang is very interested in ningmengyao's tangled appearance. How can his wife be so cute?

Does it take so long to deal with a person?

"What are you doing watching me like this? Is there something dirty on my face? " Ningmengyao doubtfully touched her face, and said in some confusion.

Qiao Tianchang is finally amused by ningmengyao. He reaches out and holds ningmengyao's face. He says very funny, "how can my lady be so cute?"