Qiao Tianchang's face changed: "what should I do then?"

"It's up to you, young master Yufeng. You can't let that woman near this yard." Qingshuang said seriously.

"Well, can the antidote be developed?" This is what Yufeng and Qiao Tianchang are most concerned about.

"There is no antidote for love forgetting flowers, but it's very easy to remember. As long as you get along with someone you love for a long time and stay away from that kind of powder, you will remember it slowly. But when you meet that powder, it will have some side effects, so we are trying to reduce this side effect." Qingshuang also feels a headache. The love forgetting flower is the best antidote, but also the worst.

"What is her powder made of?"

"That should be the pollen of love forgetting flowers." Qingshuang thought for a moment, then her eyes brightened: "I see. I'll go to Ziling and discuss with Nanyu, and I'll give it to you."

Yufeng nodded and asked her to do her own business, while Qiao Tianchang frowned tightly. He didn't know how he was poisoned at all. There was no such place in his memory.

"Now you just need to accompany Xiaoyao until she's completely healed. We'll deal with the rest, but I don't want you to meet that woman to understand?" Yu Feng looked at Qiao Tianchang before going out, and said in a cold voice.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "well."

Now he has doubts about Rosa, so he won't go to see her.

Mei Ruolin and they are helpless. How could they make it like this? They were good, but now it's better. They made it like this. It's really

"Take care of Xiaoyao. Let's help Yufeng deal with the matter, but that woman has a big problem." Meiruolin said thoughtfully.

"I came out of the mountain with her. I don't remember what happened during that time." Joe thought about it and said.

"Is that so? We know. "

After meiruolin and them all left, Qiao Tianchang looked at Jomo Shang and said, "what about my brother?"

"He didn't come back from his mother's workshop." Although Qiao moshang didn't want to call Qiao Tianchang dad, he still answered his question.

"It's good to be there. Go back and take care of your brother first. I'll take care of your mother here. You and him are staying there recently." Joe thought about it and said.

Qiao moshang looks at Qiao Tianchang and sips his lips. Then he says, "take good care of my mother and don't make her sad. You once told me that she is your life. No one can hurt her. Don't run to her body until someone else doesn't hurt him in the end

"Well." Needless to say, he can understand that when he sees ningmengyao making himself look like this, he feels worried. How can he hurt him again?

And he felt that after he was far away from Rosa, he didn't really like Ning Mengyao so much.

When Qiao moshang saw that Qiao Tianchang was really not good, he turned around and prepared to go back. Just when he got to the door, he saw qiang'er looking at them with a very aggrieved eyes, as if they had bullied her.

Qiao moshang went to the door and looked at qiang'er coldly: "this is my mother's place. What are you doing? Get out of here now. "

"I'm just looking for Tianchang." Rose son's face is at a loss, looking at the expression on Qiao Mo Shang's face is very artificial, which makes people dislike it very much.

Looking at the appearance of qiang'er, Qiao Mo Shang sneered: "my father has no time to take care of you. He wants to take care of my mother. You can go back where you come from."

"No way, Tianchang said he has no wife." Rose son in the heart some flurries, in the voice slightly anxious said.

Qiao Mo Shang looks at qiang'er ironically: "no? You go outside to inquire whether the general has a wife. "

People in this border town all know that his father mother relationship is very good. If there is any problem due to this woman, he doesn't agree.

Thinking of Jomo Shang, he said to the people around him, "from now on, this woman is not allowed to approach the main house for half a step unless her father comes out by himself."

"It's young master Shang."