Not to say this is OK. When it comes to this, Qiao Tianchang reaches out his hand and pinches his face and says with great dissatisfaction, "are you ok?"

"It hurts." Ning Mengyao frowns.

"It's right to know the pain. You dare not next time." Qiao Tianchang said, staring at Ning Mengyao.

He was fine when he came back to see people, but he made himself look like this in only two days. Now it's OK to say that? It's really a mess.

Ning Mengyao glared discontentedly: "not because of you, can I make it like this? Cough... " Because too anxious angry, Ning Mengyao covered her chest and coughed violently.

As soon as Qiao Tianchang's face changed, he quickly put down the bowl in his hand and patted Ning Mengyao on the back: "well, it's all my fault. Don't be angry."

Ningmengyao suddenly has a kind of heart plug, but takes this person's helpless feeling.

Qiao Tianchang sat behind Ning Mengyao and healed her: "are you better?"

"I'm fine. Take care of it." Ningmengyao shakes her head and asks him not to waste his internal power any more.

"What's ok? That Qingshuang said. If you don't get cured, you're not in good shape for half a year. I'm ok, as long as you get better." Qiao Tianchang frowned discontentedly and said.

Ning Mengyao smiled and didn't go to pick up Qiao Tianchang's words, just looked at him and didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's the matter?"

"How do you know that man?" Ningmengyao was silent for a while, but she asked.

Joe Tianchang shook his head. "I don't know."

"You don't know? How could I not know. " Ningmengyao some do not believe that this will bring people back, how can not know?

Qiao Tianchang frowned and said, "what I said is true. I really don't remember what happened. I just remember to kill the bandits and come back successfully. This person has been following me all the time. She said that I was injured and she saved me, but I have no memory of these things at all."

Qiao Tianchang also thought it was strange. If he was really saved by that man, there would be memories about it, but he had no memory at all, as if It's as if the woman appeared out of thin air.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang's bewilderment with a strange look and believes what he said. He really doesn't know what's going on.

"Don't think so much if you don't know. You Are you all right? " Ningmengyao knew that he was poisoned, so he was very worried.

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "I'm ok, this poison will only make people lose some memories, as long as I'm not close to her, and they also said, as long as I'm with you all the time, I can definitely remember all the things between us."

The function of love forgetting flower is to make people forget their feelings. It's poison, but there is no antidote. Maybe there is no antidote. Antidote may be a sincere and mutual affection.

Ningmengyao was relieved: "well, then I'll be relieved."

Eating the food that Qiao Tianchang fed, Ning Mengyao saw the things on the edge of the bed. Look carefully, isn't it the diary she wrote?

"These are..."

"These are given to me by Shanger, and they are recorded by you." Joe Tianchang opened his mouth and explained, "I've seen it. Is our relationship really that good?"

"Or what do you think?" Ning Mengyao is angry and asks if he is so good.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and touched his nose awkwardly: "can't I say something wrong? Don't be angry. Eat more. "

Shaking her head, Ning Mengyao avoids Qiao Tianchang's feeding. She is suffering from eating.

Qiao Tianchang saw that she couldn't eat any more, so he put away the food: "I'll make it for you later."

"Well, good."

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's face, tired. He seems to be very tired. He is considerate and helps people lie down: "if you are tired, go to sleep for a while. I'm here to watch you."

"Good." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang for a while, then slowly closes her eyes.