Rose son frowned and sat on the bed, reached out and rubbed her chin, thinking in her heart, how could this matter be done.

Originally everything is very smooth, why is Qiao Tianchang suddenly opposite to her cold face now, it's hard that someone said something to him?

This idea makes qiang'er think it is very possible, but it is impossible to think it carefully. If it is true, Qiao Tianchang will not treat his wife and children like this in the two days before he just came back.

No matter what qiang'er thinks, she can't think of any reason. Now her most important thing is to get Qiao Tianchang back to her side and not let him get out.

Ningmengyao is injured, and Qiao Tianchang is watching her. Basically, she has no room to get out of bed. As long as she has such a mind, Qiao Tianchang will look at her with open eyes, as if she has done something heinous. She has some bad thoughts. Finally, she can only lie on the bed and straighten her body. This feeling is not good at all.

"I've been in bed for half a month, and I can't do anything. I have nothing to do now. Can I get out of bed and go for a walk?" Ning Mengyao holds Qiao Tianchang's eyes, which makes Qiao Tianchang want to hide.

In this half month, he has not left here, and is taking care of ningmengyao. However, he did not expect this person to be so difficult to serve.

It's not that Qiao Tianchang isn't satisfied with Ning Mengyao's small temper from time to time, but it's because Ning Mengyao's eyes sometimes make Qiao Tianchang can't resist, and she would like to hold all the things she likes in front of her.

Just like now, Ning Mengyao's eyes can't stand it.

"Your health is not good yet. How about a few more days?" Qiao Tianchang tried to coax.

Ningmengyao shook her head with a straight face: "no, I just go to sit in the yard, you don't agree, but later?"

Qiao Tianchang is upset by Ning Mengyao. Finally, she can only ask Qingshuang. She says that she can walk properly now, so that people can get out of bed and put a soft collapse on the edge of the pool outside.

Ningmengyao is completely speechless. She wants to walk on her own. What's the matter with this person carrying her out directly? It makes her think her leg is broken.

"I'll go by myself."

"Wait a while, and now you will be obedient." Qiao Tianchang said with a straight face and a very strong attitude.

Ning Mengyao choked and glared at Qiao Tianchang. She can't help him now, can she?

Sitting on the soft collapse, Joe Tianchang was afraid that she would be bored, so he took two books for her.

Today, Ning Mengyao doesn't have this idea: "I don't read a book. Would you like to bring the chess to us?"

It seems that she hasn't played chess with Qiao Tianchang for a long time.

"Good." Qiao Tianchang turned around and went to the study. After a while, he came out with a chessboard in his hand.

Put the chess on the soft collapse, then the two people sit and start playing.

But next, Ning Mengyao found something wrong. Qiao Tianchang had been staring at the chessboard since just now. His eyes were a little empty. He wanted to think about something.

"Tianchang, what's the matter with you?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with some worry, and gently shakes her hand in front of him.

Qiao Tianchang's mind at the moment is really not on playing chess. There are many pictures flashed in his mind, just a little fuzzy.

"Joe Tianchang?" Ningmengyao reaches out and pats Qiao Tianchang on the cheek. What's the matter with this man? Why is he like this?

Qiao Tianchang once returned to his mind and looked at ningmengyao, who was close to him, frowning: "what's the matter?"

"What's the matter with me? How can you suddenly lose your mind when playing chess well? " Ning Mengyao murmured discontentedly.

"It's OK. I just thought of something, but it's a bit vague and unclear." Qiao Tianchang said with a frown.

Ning Mengyao was stunned and his eyes were full of surprises: "really? What do you think of? "

"It seems that someone is playing chess under the eaves. It's still snowing outside."