Doudou's eyes were round with a stare. He persuaded his mother to teach him. How could he do this to him? No, definitely not: "no, my mother promised me."

"That's a pity. I have a way to make your mother have no time to teach you how to play the piano. Do you believe it?" Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at the angry Doudou. He said with a smile on his face.

Doudou angrily bites his teeth and says angrily, "you are cruel."

"Am I cruel? Just so. " Qiao Tianchang's lips were slightly raised, and he said with a smile.

Doudou's mouth twitches a little. He hasn't seen such a cheeky man. Now he comes to have a quarrel with his son. He's not afraid to be told a joke.

"Doudou, I told you that your father must have done what he said, so..." After such a long time together, what kind of person is Joe Tianchang? Can they not understand him?

Although Joe Tianchang can't remember some things now, they can't remember that the strength in his bones will disappear.

But they felt that his strength had not disappeared, but became stronger, especially in dealing with ningmengyao.

Doudou stares at Qiao Tianchang fiercely, and Qiao Tianchang also raises his eyebrows to look at Doudou. They stare at him with wide eyes. At last, ningmengyao can't see them before he separates them.

"OK, Tianchang, I have nothing to do now. I'm bored to stay every day. Doudou likes Qin very much. I won't be too tired to teach him." Ning Mengyao helplessly looks at Qiao Tianchang and says.

"One hour a day, too much." Qiao Tianchang still insists on his bottom line. Now Ning Mengyao still has to sleep for a long time every day. Although it's not an hour, there are seven or eight hours.

What's more, he can't eat much at a time. If he has more, he can't stand it. He can only cook some for her every hour. Only in this way can she eat more.

Ning Mengyao wants to say something, Qiao Tianchang interrupts: "if you don't agree, just wait until you're all right before teaching."

Ningmengyao is full of black lines. Can this man be a bit more domineering? It's just so.

"Well, can't I promise?"

Doudou despised Qiao Tianchang, but he didn't make any noise. He would be satisfied if he could follow his mother to learn piano every day.

Because Doudou wants to learn Qin with ningmengyao, he doesn't go to the workshop. At last, he doesn't even go back to qiaomoshang, and Yufeng they stay.

If ningmengyao wants to teach Doudou Qin, it means that she will often play it. In this way, they will have ear blessings. It is a kind of enjoyment to listen to ningmengyao.

Qiao Tianchang sees that Ning Mengyao has taken over, so he goes to the kitchen to make some snacks for her.

After Qiao Tianchang left, Yufeng and they looked at Ning Mengyao: "how is he now?"

"Remember a little before, but it's a little fuzzy." Ningmengyao naturally knows the meaning of resisting the wind, she said with a smile.

"Is it? That's good. It's good to remember. " They nodded their heads to keep the wind at bay, which was already very good.

Rose stood at the gate of the courtyard and looked at Ning Mengyao, who was surrounded by them. She was holding the leaves on the edge, and the expression on her face was very ugly.

Because of this woman, Joe Tianchang has not paid attention to her for a long time. Judging from the expression just now, he has forgotten her existence.

Yu Feng accidentally sees the rose standing at the door. She looks at Ning Mengyao with hate eyes, and her face suddenly looks bad.

Doudou takes a look at her, takes Ning Mengyao's piano, and plays it casually on it. Before long, qiang'er covers her chest and spits blood, then looks at Doudou playing the piano.

"Voice attack..." Rose knew that the child was warning herself that if she stayed here, she would be more miserable later.

Think about it, rose son can only turn around to leave, Doudou humed: "Niang I am not fierce." Dare to deal with his parents, don't give her some color to see, I really think they dare not how to her.

"The beans are well dried." Jomo shangchong Doudou gives a thumbs up, to deal with such a shameless woman, it should be done.