"Just want to see me?" Ning Mengyao asked unexpectedly.

"That's what I mean, but it's very likely that I closed the door at the general's place, so I hit the idea on my wife." It has to be said that Qingshuang really guessed everything.

Ning Mengyao nodded with a smile and thought in her eyes.

"What are you thinking, Madame?" Qingshuang looks at Ning Mengyao and asks with a little itch.

"I didn't think of anything, just thought that this woman could not bear it." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Being ignored by Tianchang for such a long time, no matter who it is, will be upset and restless?

"You mean she wants to do it?" Qingshuang asked with round eyes.

"It depends on how much information she gets and how much contact she has with the people behind her." Ning Mengyao said thoughtfully.

Intuition told her that qiang'er would not follow Qiao Tianchang to the border city alone. There must be someone else behind her.

Qingshuang thinks about it carefully and thinks that what ningmengyao said is very reasonable: "does the lady want to tell Yufeng young master them?"

"No, I can think of it. My brother-in-law must also think of it. Maybe now they have something to do with the investigation department, and Tianchang is going to deal with it." Ningmengyao smiled and shook her head. She didn't think that Yufeng would not investigate these things. At best, it was to make him feel at ease, so she didn't come to talk to her.

Now that Tianchang has passed, I think it will soon have a result.

For her brother-in-law and her husband-in-law, she is still very confident.

"That's true, madam. Why don't you have a rest?" Qingshuang looks at ningmengyao, who is pale, though he has been much better. He is worried.

"Don't worry, I'm fine and not so vulnerable." Ningmengyao looks at Qingshuang in tears and smiles. How can they treat her like a glass doll? Is she such a vulnerable person?

Qingshuang smiled: "of course, I know my wife is not so fragile, but I hope she can have a rest."

Ningmengyao reluctantly shook her head: "I can't tell you, I'll just go to the yard and sit down. If I lie down again, my bones will fall apart. It's not a good thing."


"Well, don't be, Doudou should be coming soon. Let's wait for him in the yard." Ning Mengyao said with a smile on her face.

When Qingshuang saw their young lady like this, she knew that she would not listen to her words to have a good rest, so she nodded helplessly and helped Ning Mengyao to the pavilion outside carefully.

"I'll get some food for my wife." Qingshuang said and went out.

Ningmengyao is standing on the railing with one hand, with a light smile on her face. She looks at the fish in the water, and feels calm for no reason.

Qianer, who was sent away by Qingshuang before, didn't know when she would come back. She stood at the door and looked at the person who was really sitting in the pavilion. Her face was cold. Just now they were lying to her.

What do you say? Their wives are resting, but in fact they are not at all. Otherwise, why did they come out after she left?

The more she thought about it, the more ugly Rose's face became.

"What are you doing here?" The gatekeeper mother looked at the returning man, frowned tightly, and said with great dissatisfaction.

Rose son in the heart hates not to be able, but on the face actually smiles to say: "I looked at the madam to have awakened, therefore came to see the madam."

Naturally, Ning Mengyao heard the voice from the door. She turned her head and looked at it, with obvious indifference in her eyes.

"Let her in."

The two mammies heard Ning Mengyao's voice and gave qiang'er a hard look. This man was really. The lady was in a good mood to come out and sit down, so she was destroyed.

"Your wife let me in." See two people still block in front of her, rose son points to Ning Mengyao coldly smile to say.

Two mammies looked at each other and released them, but one of them soon went to find Qingshuang.