Rose son looked at Qiao Tianchang like that, his heart turned cold in a moment, what he said was true, he could not marry her, if so, what's the meaning of her staying here?

"Joe Tianchang, how can you do this to me?" Rose son's heart is full of anger, mercilessly looking at him, angry voice said.

Qiao Tianchang turned to look at qiang'er and said, "I've already said that I can't marry you. Who asked you to come here to find Yao Yao? Do you want Yao Yao to leave me? "

If it's not for the sake of this man or his benefactor, he can slap people to death directly. He really takes himself for one thing.

Although Qiao Tianchang had said such a thing before, she still had some thoughts in her heart. After all, she still had that thing in her hand. She was not worried at all, but now she was flustered. Qiao Tianchang was just like this. He did not like her at all.

"Joe Tianchang, I like you. Do you really want to be so cruel?" Qiang'er looks at Qiao Tianchang's eyes full of tears. In that way, there are really some pitiful meanings. However, Qiao Tianchang himself is a person who doesn't have too many emotions for outsiders, especially for those who have bad intentions for them.

Qiao Tianchang looks at qiang'er, and a smile is raised at the corner of his mouth, but the smile is so cold: "qiang'er, my poison is from you, right?"

Rose son's eyes flashed the obvious panic, then quickly responded, looking at Qiao Tianchang blankly: "I can't understand what you are talking about."

"Can't understand? I was poisoned by the love forgetting flower, and you still carry the pollen of the love forgetting flower, right? What's your purpose of approaching me? You know very well that I didn't go to your trouble. Now you come to our husband and wife's trouble and even want my wife to leave my side. " Qiao Tianchang looked at the appearance that rose son didn't admit, and smiled coldly.

"I didn't, Joe Tianchang. You're bleeding." Qiang'er looked at Qiao Tianchang angrily, as if she had been misunderstood.

Qiao Tianchang turns around and looks at qiang'er, holding a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth: "I'm bleeding, you heard about the border defense from me, right? A few days ago, some of my men caught some people, and they were holding something that they couldn't carry. Do you know what it was? "

Rose son hears Qiao Tianchang this words, the heart couldn't help shivering for a while, can't be sure of looking at Qiao Tianchang: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't know? It doesn't matter, rose. I didn't want to embarrass you, but if you want to embarrass my wife, don't blame me for being rude, understand? " Qiao Tianchang walked step by step to the front of Rosa, looked down at her, and said word by word.

Rose son step by step back some, eyes full of fear and anger: "Joe Tianchang you bastard." Then he pushed Joe Tianchang away and ran out.

"Will you do that?" Ning Mengyao looks at the back of Rose's running out and looks at Qiao Tianchang beside him.

Qiao Tianchang went to Ning Mengyao and sat down. He held the man from behind, chin on her shoulder, mouth slightly raised: "Yufeng and lei'an have caught some people, but they don't look like a group."

"You mean, there are two sides?" Ning Mengyao is stunned and looks at Qiao Tianchang.

Since she woke up from a serious injury, Joe Tianchang has been following her, saying nothing to let her do those brain wasting things. Every day, in addition to sleeping, she just read books, but it is precisely because of this, her injury is very fast, but the news is also very blocked.

What happened recently, she didn't know at all. Now she has a feeling of being blind.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "yes, listen to Yufeng and say it's from the desert."

As soon as ningmengyao's face changed, his breath changed.

"What's the matter?"

Ning Mengyao told him something about it. When he said that Wu Ziyun wanted to calculate their daughter's going to the desert, Qiao Tianchang's face changed.