Qiao Tianchang holds the piano in Ning Mengyao's hand, holds people in his arms and leaves together.

Rose son looks at Qiao Tianchang unexpectedly so ignore oneself, facial expression changes again and again.

"Joe Tianchang, stop for me." Rose son ran to two people's front, reached out to block two people's way.

Qiao Tianchang looked at qiang'er impatiently: "what do you want to do?"

"Joe Tianchang, I saved your life. Is that how you treat your benefactor? Now you hurt me, but you don't have a word. " Said the rose, her eyes full of anger.

Joe Tianchang stopped and looked at Rose sarcastically: "do you really think I don't know anything? I will forget the memory related to my wife. Isn't it because of you? In the end, you know whether you saved me or harmed me. I have done my best to you without fighting. What's the matter? If you don't think it's good, I don't mind doing it to you. "

"You What are you talking about? I've never done anything like that. " Rose son angry voice says, but this appearance gives a kind of feeling of empty heart instead.

Qiao Tianchang looked at qiang'er and said, "your bag is filled with the pollen of love forgetting flowers, right? Do you really think I don't know anything? " Joe laughed coldly and said sarcastically.

"I didn't," Rose said

"You didn't? In that case, call Qingshuang and Ziling. " This kind of thing is familiar to both of them.

"What do you want to do?"

"What don't you want to do? Don't you say you don't have the pollen of love forgetting flowers? In that case, you don't mind showing them, do you? " Joe Tianchang hooked his lips and smiled. He didn't look like he was just now.

Rose son knows what Qiao Tianxiang wants to do now, but now it's too late to know. Can she change her words now? If that's the case, she's telling people that she's guilty.

When Qingshuang and Ziling came, Ziling's eyes were always on qiang'er, and then he looked at Qiao Tianchang: "you are not completely good now. What are you doing close to people? Or do you want to be with this woman and stop Mengyao? "

Qiao Tianchang's face turned ugly: "I didn't think about it like this, and I didn't ask you to come here to say that."

"Then what do you want to say?"

"She said there was nothing we said about her." Joe Tianchang spread out his hands to show his helplessness.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang, but her face is not good: "she said that there is no pollen of love forgetting flowers on her body. Please give her some answers."

Rose immediately understood, these people really know forget love flower, and Qiao Tianchang's physical condition they already knew.

But how could this happen? How could they have known it so quickly?

"You don't want to admit it?" Qingshuangleng snorted. When qiang'er didn't pay attention, he flashed to her side, grabbed her neck with one hand and the sachet at her waist with the other.

"You give it back to me." Rose son's face changed, then reached out to rob, but was imprisoned by Qingshuang.

Qingshuang throws the sachet to Ziling: "it's not that thing. What are you so anxious about?"

"Here This is what my mother left me. Give it back to me. " Said Rose struggling.

Qingshuang laughs sarcastically, and then points Rose's acupoint, which makes her unable to move.

At the same time when Qingshuang started, Ziling had taken apart the sachet and took out the love forgetting flowers and pollen inside: "your mother is very kind to you, so she left you some things. How is it going to deal with who?"

Rose looked at what they had taken out, and after a moment of silence looked at them and said, "when did you know that?"

"You want to know? But we don't want to tell you what to do? " Ziling looked at the dried flowers in her hand and said with a smile.

"Even if it's death, let me die. Understand?" Rose said very calmly.

And what she regrets most now is that she came here at this time, which is to make trouble with herself. If she didn't find it by herself, they wouldn't do anything to her, would they?