But they didn't know that they had been trying to avoid people, and the other side was already coming to them.

Today, for convenience, they are wearing the same clothes as the villagers in the village, not particularly conspicuous.

When they went to dig those things, Ning Mengyao found that some of the things they dug were like taro and some were like wild ginger.

"We're done. Let's go back." One of the village head's daughters said with a smile.

"OK, let's go."

"Tianchang people come here." Ning Mengyao said with a frown.

"Well, I'll take care of those people. You protect yourself and them." Joe Tianchang said in a very low voice.


When they were going back, a group of people came out suddenly, about thirty or forty people.

"Don't leave now that you're here. How nice to stay?" The leader said with a smile.

"Boss, let's kill all the women and men." One of them made a headless move.

"You Who is it? "

"You don't need to talk about it. We came at the order of the general." A few words from the other side brought the news to Joe Tianchang.

That means that they are Joe Tianchang's people. Joe Tianchang asked them to look for trouble, which has little to do with them.

Qiao Tianchang's face changed: "you say you are general Joe's men? How come this general hasn't seen you? "

Qiao Tianchang's words are undoubtedly bombs in the deep water. He doesn't know the situation of people's bombing. What's the matter? He can do such a thing.

"You say you're Joe Tianchang, you're Joe Tianchang?"

"If you don't have to ask, you just need to know that your life will be handed over here today." As soon as the voice fell, the man had disappeared.

By the time it appeared, several people had died on the side.


"Don't be afraid. You'll be fine in the back." Ningmengyao saw that they were all scared, so she hurriedly took people to a safer place: "stay here, close your eyes, don't move, you know?"


Ningmengyao's hand was on her waist. The silver light flashed. People saw that there was a soft sword in her hand and a jade Xiao in her other hand. It was made by Jiuyin. Because ningmengyao liked it, she always kept it by her side.

Put the jade Xiao on his lips and blow it up. The sound is like the soul of life. Those who want to sneak attack are shocked out by the sound of Xiao.

Ningmengyao put away the jade Xiao in her hand, jumped to the villagers and protected them, or anyone would come closer.

When Qiao Tianchang heard the sound of Xiao, the whole person's face was not good-looking. He turned his head and looked at Ning Mengyao. After seeing that her face began to turn white, he accelerated his movements.

A few people who were still alive have died.

Qiao Tianchang was just about to go to Ning Mengyao's place. Who knows that he had just done it? He saw that someone was going to play a sneak attack. He hurried over and kicked him out. At the same time, he went to his side and pinched his neck.

"OK Yao Yao, are you ok?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao with worried face, for fear that she will have an accident,

"I'm ok, don't worry."

"You also said that you are OK. Look at your face. It's all white. I told you that you can't use internal power." Qiao Tianchang looks at ningmengyao with a straight face. I am very angry on his face and amuse ningmengyao.

When the villagers in the village saw them like this, they didn't react for a while. Before that, they were very ordinary and gentle people. When they became like this, they couldn't accept it.

"Two of you..."

"I'm really sorry. My name is Qiao Tianchang, a general guarding the border. This time I took my wife out to relax. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. I'm really sorry." Qiao Tianchang takes Ning Mengyao's hand and explains with a smile.

Everyone, look at me. I look at you. I didn't expect that I would be the famous general and the general's wife when I went up the mountain with them.